Diet & Nutrition

[QUOTE=“Tassotti, post: 1083542, member: 361”]4th January: 91 kilos
31st January 7am: a touch under 81 kilos

take your operation transformation and shove it up your arse, weight loss is simple, cut out alcohol, sugar and starch and eat proper, go low carb. Any mug can do it. I look at fat slobs now and they disgust me, its lack of will power, simple as that, I find myself in Tesco now looking at everyone’s baskets and feel repulsed[/QUOTE]
What’s your daily meals / weekly routine like?

Bullet proof coffee in the morning that does me untill 1pm, for lunch I have a salad and dressing I made myself, with either two hard boiled eggs or a piece of fish. The salad is huge and I eat as much as I can to get full. For dinner I have 175 grammes of either cod, mackerel or salmon, one baked spud, or 75 grammes of spelt pasta and as much veg as I can eat. I rarely eat snacks but if I get an urge i have some fruit or a few pistachio nuts. That’s it. Fitness wise, I do one 25 minute HIIT session (30 seconds flat out, 90 medium pace) sometimes two every day and alternate squats/shoulder and chest/back every second day. My life has changed in ways I never thought possible, I have a life beyond my wildest dreams now

6 more weeks, mate.

Remember when you used to be interesting…sad

what is “interesting” to you? I have reached a state of spiritual enlightenment you can only dream of, a higher state of consciousness, all through a healthy lifestyle and mediation


No nutri blasts? :eek:

[QUOTE=“ChocolateMice, post: 1078444, member: 168”]@Mac.
Home made granola- princess style- porridge oats 400g, mixed seeds 120g, mixed nuts 80kg, flaked almonds 1/2 packet, 4 tablespoons coconut oil, 4 table spoons of honey (melted in microwave for 15 seconds) mix it up and whack it on grease proof paper in a dish and into the oven for 25 mins at 140 degrees. Unreal.[/QUOTE]

I’ve made this and on first taste it appears to be nice. Just realised I only left it in for 20 mins though so might need to go again with it. What should it look like when done and what should I have it with?

It should be crispy… Have it with milk or yogurt and fruit etc etc

Top layer is crispy but not the whole way down. Tray might be too deep so will throw it back in later on.

What would you need to add to turn it into flapjacks or bars?

Tass is still by far the most interesting poster on TFK.
You need to let go of the Bukowski fantasy land you cling on to. People can get their shit together and still be interesting.

I anxiously await the next chapter in Tass’s life. Who knows where he will take us next… a missionary in the slums of Sao Paulo? A BNP candidate in the next general election? A homesteader in Alaska? Open a gluten free cupcake shop in Lahinch?

[QUOTE=“Mac, post: 1084398, member: 109”]Top layer is crispy but not the whole way down. Tray might be too deep so will throw it back in later on.

What would you need to add to turn it into flapjacks or bars?[/QUOTE]
Probably bad stuff to bind it… Egg, sugar…

[QUOTE=“Distended Red Anus, post: 1084400, member: 2648”]Tass is still by far the most interesting poster on TFK.
You need to let go of the Bukowski fantasy land you cling on to. People can get their shit together and still be interesting.

Go shove a Nutribullet up your hole

[QUOTE=“Mac, post: 1084398, member: 109”]Top layer is crispy but not the whole way down. Tray might be too deep so will throw it back in later on.

What would you need to add to turn it into flapjacks or bars?[/QUOTE]
More honey and coconut oil I think. My last flapjack attempt failed. I’ll report back on future results.

How was your curry last night?

Presume you lads heat the coconut oil to melt it down a bit rather than the big roaster clumps I put in?

Sure you ate most of it off my plate hun.

I’ve switched to the weight watchers ‘nutella’ from the original for a trial period. A poor imitation I’m afraid.

[QUOTE=“Appendage, post: 1084498, member: 11”]I’ve switched to the weight watchers ‘nutella’ from the original for a trial period. A poor imitation I’m afraid.[/QUOTE]and the same sugar content. you mug.

Not true.