Diet & Nutrition

gone under the magic 80 kilos, I have lost a shitload of weight, my face has totally changed and you can clearly see the bone structure, a colleague said it today, he’s old school and would never come out with that kind of comment, I’m absolutely delighted

78 kilos this morning, unreal, ketosis is unbelievable, down 4 belt notches since 12 Jan

I still eat as I please. Weighing in @ 10st 4lbs.
I’d hate to be watching what I eat day in, day out.

[QUOTE=“Brimmer Bradley, post: 1095762, member: 2839”]I still eat as I please. Weighing in @ 10st 4lbs.
I’d hate to be watching what I eat day in, day out.

Good for you, pal.

Thanks buddy. You just can’t beat breeding.
How’s your new fitness regime coming along ?

[QUOTE=“Brimmer Bradley, post: 1095762, member: 2839”]I still eat as I please. Weighing in @ 10st 4lbs.
I’d hate to be watching what I eat day in, day out.

a good news story on this forum for once-huzzah

[QUOTE=“Brimmer Bradley, post: 1095762, member: 2839”]I still eat as I please. Weighing in @ 10st 4lbs.
I’d hate to be watching what I eat day in, day out.
10st 4, what are 5 tf tall? Or are you a woman?

I’m a male, 6’ on the button.
If I had my time back again I’d have been a NH jockey. I certainly have the physique for it, and a love of NH racing.

[QUOTE=“Brimmer Bradley, post: 1095769, member: 2839”]I’m a male, 6’ on the button.
If I had my time back again I’d have been a NH jockey. I certainly have the physique for it, and a love of NH racing.[/QUOTE]
6ft and 10 stone. Don’t mind your horse racing, you could have made a fortune acting in holocaust movies… Actors have to starve themselves for months to get a rake like physique like that… If ever there’s a famine movie you should be the first cast.

Yeah I’ve been told that before. Just had 2x medium white rolls and a plate of fried rashers and mushrooms and 2 fried eggs, I’m currently 3/4s way through a packet of chocolate hob nobs which are washed down with a pint of 7up. I’m taking the eating easy today as im a bit hungover. I’d easily do 4000 calories a day but I’m still that weight.

[QUOTE=“Brimmer Bradley, post: 1095765, member: 2839”]Thanks buddy. You just can’t beat breeding.
How’s your new fitness regime coming along ?[/QUOTE]

Did I mention my hip operation? Well my hip will never be 100% and it still gives me some bother but I have to be careful not to push it too hard and cause structural damage. I’m now lunging and squatting with 10 (ten) kg dumbbells and I think I can go as high as 15 (fifteen) kg.

Ah I’d say that hip thing is all in your head.
I don’t really get this lunging bells thing, why don’t you just keep away from the table and walk fairly fast for an hour or two every day. Calories in vs calories out ?


You should have a side of ham for your tea.

No milk for my muesli and banana so I had to make do with two toasted ham, pesto and smoked mozzarella sambos with a banana and a pint of mi-wadi.

heading for 77.5 kilos fucking unreal

my 6 pack is getting visible, gave me some motivation when I looked in the mirror this morning, at 75 kilos I will look like Carl Froch, imagine dropping 16 kilos in just under two months and not losing an ounce of strength, that is unreal, I’m eating and training like a pro, I could snap the likes of that kev fellas neck like a twig now if I felt like it

3 thick cut rashers and a tomato grilled with two poached eggs and 2 slices of McCambridges brown bread. 2 mugs of tae. Delicious.

2.5 stone in under 2 months. Are you positive, mate?

absolutely, it all about the massive changes I have made to my diet and my training routine

No, I meant HIV positive.