Diet & Nutrition

I’m high on life mate, I am living, not existing

Boom! Good old Horsebox.

Classic Horsebox.

[QUOTE=“Tassotti, post: 1082686, member: 361”]nothing I could not have told ye already

12 foods to avoid if you are serious about fitness[/QUOTE]

Meh, rice cakes can be a great way to get some good proteins if used properly

Nakd bars are delicious
Pecan pie one just now
Dates 52%
Pecans 28%
Almonds 20%

No other ingredients

[QUOTE=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 1098826, member: 2272”]Nakd bars are delicious
Pecan pie one just now
Dates 52%
Pecans 28%
Almonds 20%

No other ingredients[/QUOTE]
Similar to the date, cashews, almonds, cocoa, and coconut flour ones I make then.

similar but not an exact match

Berry Delight up in the afternoon
Dates 49%
Cashews 31%
Raisins 17%
Raspberries 3%

135 kcal

just bought 450 grammes of chia seeds, £12, serious tack

Nice one.

Aldi have started doing them here and are mugging off the “Health food” shops good and proper.

[QUOTE=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 1099151, member: 686”]Nice one.

Aldi have started doing them here and are mugging off the “Health food” shops good and proper.[/QUOTE]how much is a tub of them over?

200 grams for 4 euro i think

I bought a pouch of chia seeds last week on the recommendation of a friend, I thought I was ahead of the curve but once again you lads are ITK :clap:. Tell me the very best use of them KP

I had a bullet with 15 grammes of chia in it last night after my evening gym session, just had a really wonderful shite there, emptied me right out, I reckon they must have played a big part, even though I have a great shite every morning in any case

Just took another massive shite!! don’t know where it came from, it must be the Chia seeds @Kinvara’s Passion do you find it clears your right out? I really don’t know where the shite came out of, I only had two meals yesterday, needless to say, I am now on top of the world and feel very light on my feet

I reckon the chia seeds have worked there way deep into your intestines mate and are eroding away the remains of the synthetic tika chicken that you abused your body with over a year ago. You should feel a great deal better now and should feel a further elevation in energy levels.

had 4 cups of coffee and a bullet proof coffee around 5 o clock this morning, spirituality and clarity levels are unreal this morning

[SIZE=6]The 30-day worm and cricket diet[/SIZE]

does anyone here buy their nuts online? if so is there any good sites, Brazil and pistachio nuts fgrom Tesco are costing me a fortune every week, I’ll buy in 5 or 10 kilo bags if necessary

Be careful mate. Your lack of clarity on the UK affairs thread is worrying. Something is badly amiss with you. Perhaps worry less about your expenditure in Tesco and focus more on your posting style and the content of your posts.

grand breakfast there
had a 9am confeence call so up early
2 cups of coffee
2 slices of toast and a few hob nobs
family are asleep so watching the cricket and gambling away our money on the days GAA and upcoming racing