Diet & Nutrition

[QUOTE=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 1135509, member: 686”]
Filtering out the bullshit.[/QUOTE]


What has been your experiences here pal? Please share.

I’m no expert on ketosis bud but do know it is a state that diabetics try to avoid. They get ketosis when their blood glucose is too high due to their condition. In a state of ketosis due to the high acid levels, things, particularly your kidneys, begin to shut down. It also can lead to diabetic coma.
I know the various versions of ketosis-inducing diets is a fad that is going on years but in my opinion it is stupid and slightly dangerous

Sergio Aguero: Manchester City form down to no-meat diet[/SIZE]

I was listening to a bloke on Chris Evans this morning espousing the benefits of certain red wines, most notably from South West France and the Mediterranean, Dr Roger Corder, he has conducted years of intensive studies and written a book about it, I have just bought it on Amazon along with a Kayak. It sounds fascinating, there is a very high percentage of people over 100 years of age in that area and he has found out grapes in that part of the world used in wine making possess a chemical makeup which is very positive

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I’m on a roll today.

For lunch I mixed together an egg and a mashed up banana which I fried and was able to make 3 mini pancake type things. Not a fan of eggs but these were divine.

I’ve just made some homemade brown bread with the only ingredients being Oats, Natural Yoghurt and Bread Soda and a tiny pinch of salt.

I’ve 2 fillets of Sea Bass in the fridge for dinner. Debating what to put with them now.

[QUOTE=“Mac, post: 1141736, member: 109”]

I’ve 2 fillets of Sea Bass in the fridge for dinner. Debating what to put with them now.[/QUOTE]a few spuds

I’ve no curry sauce though

having a glass of champagne here now, I am becoming more convinced of the benefits of one glass of alcohol a night, put in two top quality sessions today, I have also discovered that put a few slices of lemon in a pint of water has brought enormous benefits to me, I have noticed my skin is really glowing lately

My late Grandmother swore by a glass of wine every night. Her sister passed last year six months away from her 100th birthday, and she smoked and drank up until she was well into her 80’s. Genetics make a massive difference as well.

mac and chocolate mice seen heading into work this morning

[QUOTE=“Tassotti, post: 1145272, member: 361”]

mac and chocolate mice seen heading into work this morning[/QUOTE]

@ChocolateMice doesn’t work

[QUOTE=“Tassotti, post: 1145272, member: 361”]

mac and chocolate mice seen heading into work this morning[/QUOTE]

Go back to your herb encrusted salmon, pal… I’d fucking rip you from limb to limb, you’re a washed up little junkie… i’d fuckin ate, you waste of space.

would you be that size @Mac

I’m a 34 waist (33 or 32 in some brands) and a medium shirt / T-shirt size pal. Sorry to disappoint you.

+1 to all that :clap:- Bros from different hoes