Directions From Dublin Airport


Stock picture of how a firearm might look on an airport scanner


Last time I transited in Dubai, the young lad wasn’t even looking at the screen.

Or sacked for missing the guns & bombs while posting here.

A gun, a key, a mobile phone from 1997 and two document folders. That’s some serious bidness travelling.

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I imagine if someone showed up in this day and age with a briefcase alarms would immediately sound off

They would probably be broken down outside departures in a three wheel van first.

20 mins to get through first time ive seen most of the xray machine line open, fair play @Batigol

The queues for a pint were longer than the queue for security when I went thru last Thursday.

@Batigol hiding under the bed again

Inaccurate. Looks like Terminal 1 down by the long row of Ryanair gates

Those lads were all bullied in school.


Next to the bar by the gates. Its T1 dor a fact. Ryaniar air hostesses

One lad got an awful couple boots in the head on the video doing the rounds.

It’s society’s fault

Ffs, that was a grand orderly fight until the other cunt came in.

Queensbury rules were being adhered to up to that point. No wonder security didn’t get involved.

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He was after getting his coffee spilt earlier

Is there any other airport in the Western world where lads could fight away for two minutes unmolested by any law enforcement


I don’t know to be honest. But the Airport Police would be quick enough to hunt you if you were dawdling in the drop off zone.