Directions From Dublin Airport

In fairness there was a video going around a month back from the US of a lad going crazy at a gate. Took 2 or 3 mins for the airport cops to arrive


A fair play man was badly required


The boys had handled it well.
There was no accounting for the other guy coming in. He’ll be looking at a hefty suspension.

I’d say there’s about 3 in Ireland.

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I see the lad ended up in Beaumont. Was he glassed in the end? Certainly the reaction of the crowd suggested something propa naughty happened in the final moments. Maybe it was a kick to the head while down. Was hard to tell

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Kick in the head while down I’d say.

No doubt about that

thats disgusting- glad he is arrested

imagine being there with your kids and seeing that

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When you hear Beaumount , you think brain injury. Hopefully not, probably Beaumount is just the nearest A&E.

I’m going to have to stop you there.


I hear you but still nobody deserved to be cowardly blind sided like that and stamped on while on the ground

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DAA reckon it’ll take you three hours to get to your gate and fellas want the guards to do it in two mins.


I’d like to see the boys kicking off in Heathrow and see how long it’d take for a couple of sub machine guns to be stuck into their fat puss’s. I always feel reassured seeing the stiff upper lip copppers walking around Heathrow with their fingers covering the trigger of an Uzzi


Eat lead paddy.


The state of Dublin airport is fast becoming a national scandal. Most of the toilets are overflowing with piss and shit. There are fake building panels up in the baggage hall in T1 to disguise the fact that there are piles and piles of bags still there. Customs cant man T2 at all. Security are slow AND shite. There are fuck all shops open. There is a queue for absolutely everything.


As an aside I cant see how stomping on a fella’s head whilst he is down like that shouldn’t be classed as attempted murder.


It’s becoming a yellow pack service to get back lost revenue quickly …

I’d never go to the jacks in an airport anyway. There is always a Peggy Dell that would turn your stomach. I go to the jacks before I leave home and go easy on the liquids.

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