Directions From Dublin Airport

4% seems low

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No it’ll be quieter.

To be honest I’d be reticent to give any advice. If you go the 3.5 hours early you’ll probably be in loads of time but it’s gone so mental it’s hard to judge.


I have absolutely no intention of being there 3.5 hours early.


How is this a surprise to management. They know how many flights are in and out to the minute and can plan accordingly based on capacity. Ireland is a shithole that you cant even get out of

Not to go all Mick Barry but if this continues can the government do anything about the running of Dublin Airport?

Tis a bit early for waving a fella off alright

The poor misfortunes on minimum wage working at the airport were fired during covid but the civil servants were allowed sit on their arses at home.


I was using the DAA app for security check in times and to be fair it was fairly accurate. Was. Not sure if it has any semblance to reality now.

Last Saturday I travelled out and we scooted through in about 15 mins max and that was what the app was showing too.

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If I know the internet like I think I do, someone is scouring every tweet send by PBH to see how many send from locations he could only have flown to


Your man didn’t have to go back very far.


Ah lovely

He woke up this morning and decided to make a cunt of himself.


He nailed it in fairness


We clapped for them all. Hero’s

We used to be a proper country


@Batigol I’m due to fly to the Canaries at the end of June. I’m toying with changing the flights to fly out of Cork instead. Will yee have it sorted by then?

Fuck sake @Batigol how hard is it to train a few lads to be pig ignorant and take a semi state job salary

Outrage at what by any standards was a fairly bland tweet is peak privilege.

Boucher Hayes’s point made beautifully for him by his critics.

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The tiger is back anyhow.

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No we definitely wont. Change away

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