Directions From Dublin Airport

The salary is very low for hard work with very unsociable hours. Loads of them do a day or two and just quit.

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Shannon and Cork are like ghost towns then… because the DAA wanted everything through Dublin.

Between airport, hotel prices and food prices what right minded tourist would want to come here?


Dreading having to go the airport next month. @Batigol would being at the airport 5hrs before a flight to the US be enough time or would i need to be there earlier?

Dublin airport is a kip of an airport in a kip of a city.


Make it 10 to be safe

He should leave now

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Jesus fucking Christ. I obviously got a good day to fly last week. Michael O’Leary should be running Dublin Airport.

Have another flight coming up the middle of June with a 16 month old. :grimacing:

I was flying Friday evening with an 18 month old and it was actually grand. Was dreading it but was through security in terminal 2 in 25 minutes. Possibly just got very lucky.

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Same, if I get the experience of last week I think we’ll be fine. If I get a queue like the above I think all three of us will go our separate ways before we even get in the door.

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I think this is the start of a societal breakdown. Rent/cost of living is out of control and pay/other employment t&cs are lagging way behind for large parts of society. It’s only getting worse for many. There’ll be looting and stuff.


Think they offered all the experienced staff redundancy packages and then hired yellow packers on worse terms and conditions… not sure if that’s legal as the role needs to be made redundant as opposed to the person . This doesn’t seem to have happened

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To widen the point, that restaurant lobby group chap Cummins is a right gimp too. He had a lot of air time during Covid about the impact of restrictions on the industry. He’s constantly in the media now whining about hotels/restaurants not being able to get staff and calling for benefits to be withdrawn/reduced. How about you pay people a living wage, you cunt?


Wow. Can’t be spun. Directing all aviation traffic to Dublin has been folly.

Quiet here now lads. Tip on

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Where’s the hard work in it? Did ye cunts ever pick a few acres of spuds or stones. Hard work my hole.

I’m not an airport employee


You’re extremely evasive.

The hardy souls paying €70 to Asador to cook their own meat during lockdown would have been paying north of €100 if that happened :grimacing:

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should we be expecting the head of the DAA to resign this week as they don’t seem to be able to fulfill their role