Directions From Dublin Airport

They should just spread the auld flights out a bit more.

Who are they?

The airlines? Surely its a commercial decision to fly to Dublin

Correct. The DAA has abandoned Cork for Dublin. A ridiculous policy.


And who has abandoned Shannon?

Cork Airport is outstanding. Very little hassle. The only queue I’ve experienced there was on Friday week first thing and at that they had three scanning belts open and we all got through in 20 mins at most. Usually you just stroll up and through.
I agree on Manchester Airport, it’s an absolute kip!


Couldn’t have put it better. Throw in all the Rangers fans coming back from Seville the other week and you can see how shite it is. But, at a basic level, it’s filthy dirty.

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The picture is becoming clearer.

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I went through yesterday morning and one of the staff was telling me they had 30 people quit in the last two weeks. Seeing the madness first hand I wouldn’t blame them. Unreal that it was allowed to reach this point. How much is that lad who’s running the show getting paid? If you have access to expected passenger numbers then situations like yesterday have to be predictable. So is it just being allowed to happen to force through some change they want, or have they abandoned any hope or preventing it?

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Yeah they actually know by the hour the precise numbers of passengers.

This looks like somebody underbid for a contract and now can’t staff it - the contract must have metrics of
some sort allowing termination if they can’t deliver. They knew this was coming and sat on their hands.

You’d expect the army will be rolled out soon enough as a stop gap

Bring back Aer Rianta

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Headshot @Batigol


Having the schedule only helps to a certain extent. You can’t control when people turn up.

I expect some of the hassle now is being cause by people turning up too early - so you have people on a 9am flight in the queue at 6am. But they’ve been joined by people on a 10am flight.

You’d want your head examined to fly out of Dublin.


Shannon is a rolls royce of an Airport, we are so lucky to have it, Imagine having to fly into or out of Dublin, like an animal

Some lad on radio flew to Dublin from Farranfore to skip the queue



Shannon is the truth.


But that is entirely their fault, people will be showing up 5 hours before today. And sure you’d hardly blame them

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