Did she have a celtic sticker set and album for you to complete?
Plenty of time.
Yeah loads.
One step forward, two steps back.
We can fly ye into Shannon, no problem…
DAA were breaking the rules
Fair fucking play big Duncan and the local labour lad. They’ve been running meetings on this the last while.
This is actually hilarious. The gateway to the country for the vast majority of visitors being curtailed in the middle of the busiest period because it’s waking Breda, Maura and Nuala who bought their houses near an international airport and can’t figure out why it’s noisy.
Then the clowns in the daa responding by just ignoring the planning laws. Like getting planning permission for a bungalow then building a 3-story house and, when you get pulled on it, shrug and go “sure it’s built now”.
Agree fully. I live in one of these estates and the moaning from some of the residents is crazy. The airport predated any of the houses. The neighbourhood WhatsApp group do with hopping with busybodies putting flighttracker links in as well as complaint forms. We’ve probably more young kids in our house than any on the estate and the planes have never inpacted on any of us.
theyre as bad as the croke park residents association
while i agree with that, its pretty bad for the DAA to ignore what was agreed
@Batigol I’m dropping the mother to Dublin airport tomorrow but il have to bring her bags in for her…would I need to book into the short term car park?
Fuck no. Park up in the set down and throw me man a fiver
Ideally you should, but I’d say you’ll be alright.
Cheers. Tis 35 minimum to book an hour in short term…assume I could drive in and park if there was spaces…hardly 35 quid for 20 mins on the clock … Id pay it but my mother would chain herself to the railings if she thought I’d spent it
There must be an hourly rate option although whether there would be spaces when you drive up is another thing. Parking seems to be carnage out there atm.
Its about 4 euros an hour in the short term.
If someone sits in the car while you go in you would get 10 minutes no bother.
If its just park, put the bags on the trolley and push them to the door of the airport, its grand too
From memory I think the first 20 mins is free and then it’s maybe 4 euro for the first hour then.
I’d to drop someone in the summer for a bus there. I pulled into the set down, fired on the flashers and walked them to their bus with bags and back. Maybe 10 minutes in total. There were cars parked up before I arrived still there with no drivers in them. I’d say you’ve about 15 minutes grace in the setdown.