Directions From Dublin Airport

Restrictions lifted in January and no one predicted that the airport would be busy around Easter.


This year the hadj stampede will be at jeddah airport with DAA at the wheel rather than mecca

15 minutes to get through security today, an absolute breeze. Just have to avoid spending €300 on a pair of earphones now and the holiday will be off to a great start.


I hope the plane crashes and all that’s found are the expensive ear phones.


Enjoy pal.

Buy the headphones.

Life is short. Or you are short. Or both.

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Ciampino airport a breeze as well. Through check in, security and passport control in about 40 mins.
Security took about 3 minutes if that.


The private jet pays for itself there.


Doddle of a little airport.

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Is @Batigol still at home under the bed?

At least she didn’t have to see or smell the overflowing urinals.

He’s too busy getting ready for the Fair Of Cappamore.

Has anyone been in 51st and Green recently? Hearing bad reports it’s gone to shit and poor food/drink offering.

Yeah it’s gone to shit.

They had no draught Guinness when I was there.

I believe the main food place airside is closed for renovations too so but stuck if I end up with 2 spare hours

The lounges in Dublin airport were always shit enough for food and drink. Sad to see 51st and Green demise but at least you can get a seat in there and a bit of comfort. The area beyond US customs is a disgrace if you have any kind of wait at all


If you’re getting a late afternoon transatlantic flight then there’s little point in getting it at the moment. Flights are ramping up again but there has been only 2 to 3 after lunchtime of late.

Sailed through Madrid airport last week en route to Doobalin town. No waits, nought. Dublin isnt the most appealing airport to be fair. Very dated at this stage inside. Too crowded as well.

I’ve holidayed in Ireland recently and had no issues whatsoever.

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Apart from going away to a gig or a match you really want to go to I’ve come to the conclusion that flying away for a weekend is too much time wasted travelling. You need to be going for at least a week to justify it.