Directions From Dublin Airport

I foresaw this shit in summer 2’20 and said I wouldn’t travel abroad again until 2’23. I stand by that view. People hibernating not to get a negative antigen… Queues everywhere. Arbitrary Covid regulations in different countries. I’ll support the Irish tourist sector instead

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I’d agree with this.

I’ve spent more time than I’d like in airports these past few months and I can’t fathom why anyone would fly unless its essential. Wasting hours upon hours at airports and in the air.

I do be absolutely terrified taking off and landing too along with the fact my ears always pop which is quite uncomfortable.

Imagine going through all the hassle to get a picture outside the Eiffel Tower or some non descript building in a kip like Berlin or somewhere.

The Great Dublin Airport Easter 2022 Disaster looks to be a bit of a damp squib so far. Any TFKers on the scene?

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People annoyed that the airport is quiet and they’re there too early. You couldn’t make it up :joy:


I dunno. They were told by the daa to get to the airport at an ungodly hour 3.5 hours before their flight. Turns out they could of stayed in bed another couple of hours. I wouldn’t blame them for being annoyed. The DAA have made some bollox of things


There was some joie de vivre there last Saturday morning with punters 3 hours early skulling pints and scoffing Burger Kings for breakfast.

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Im due there at 3am with the barnes clan on Sunday morning for a 6.30am flight to lanzarote. There wont be any pints but i wouldn’t rule out Burger King

Anybody using M50 to go to airport this afternoon must have been sweating. 6 or 7 km tailback

If this continues you’ll have lads decamping to the airport hotels for 2 nights before they fly out

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Yes it looked terrible going from South to North. North to South wasn’t bad - at least as far as the Red Cow/N7.

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In fairness you’d never have a proper Kip knowing you have to be up for a flight. You’d be as well off in the airport.


Myself and another lad were heading to France one year on a stupid o’clock flight and we came to the exact same conclusion - best off get to the airport late and overnight there ahead of the flight.

Except we were flying from Shannon. The auld fella was in absolute stitches dropping us off at 11pm. You get some quare hawks keeping SNN ticking over in the wee hours.



Was the bar even open ?

I decided years ago that I’d be as well staying the night in Calgary airport than shelling out on accommodation for a 6am flight or whatever it was. Problem was the bus dropped me at airport around 10pm and there was fuckall open in the airport, like yourself @PhattPike

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You must be joking.

You could buy 15 minutes of shoddy INTERNET at a time on the computer machine for €1, that was the night’s entertainment.


Missed a flight after a celtic milan game so missed our connecting flight to dublin

About to hunker down for thr night in beauvais until they closed the airport and had to wander the streets for the night

“Missed the flight from Milan” doesn’t fully explain that we went to the wrong airport


Was that before @thedancingbaby’s time?

Yes, thankfully when @thedancingbaby got into Celtic, he made Charleoi our base for all Celtic away games

Tried booking parking in Dublin Airport there the other day and was none available. None. Not even in the hotels on site