Directions From Dublin Airport

Not sure if still the case but previously they were releasing only a certain amount of spaces online and still had availability to just drive in. Obviously can’t just take the risk but probably worth getting in touch with them.

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Quick park is also closed there not helping

Did you try green car park? It only opens Friday to Monday

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If you don’t get sorted, you can leave your car in my place. A taxi from mine will cost circa €35.

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Thank you but Iv been and back was a day trip. That’s exactly what I did parked in a buddy’s place and taxid

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Quick Park went bust as far as I know. Had massive problems being able to refund bookings from 2020 and went to the wall shortly afterwards apparently

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I holidayed in Ireland there recently and I had no parking issues.

Not a bother in Shannon either.

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Flew out on Thursday from Dublin. Gave it a 3 hour buffer between arriving and flight departure. Took about 75 mins to park up and be on the other side of security for a 7.15am flight. Was grand. They’ve it well set up and try to keep lines moving. Easy bag drop, well spaced out queue into security and then plenty of security scaaning checks open. Bit of a walk through the shops, out to the gate and bit of a wait til getting inthe flight. Family beside us going through security had a 9.30 flight. Turned up over 5 hours early. Ridiculous shit. Thats what is fucking up the queues.


The same argument as to the croke park residents, you live next to a fucking airport :joy::joy:. We dont evem have this level of mentaller on here. Thats at least 34 complaints a day

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And that was in a quiet year

The croke park residents live beaide a bogball stadium that plays games on Sunday not a mid week concert arena

Multi purpose stadium. Like all proper sporting arenas. LoI wouldnt know about it now would they?

I imagine the same person hears voice in their heads

Eh, bob marley

What was that 40 years ago?

Can’t back you on this one mate. Multi -purpose arenas are the sustainable way to live. If the GGA for example could think like a community organisation and share their facilities there’d be far less need on public space.

Almost as many posts as Sid in same period…


I heard on radio this morning the daa are raising parking charges at the airport to ridiculous levels very soon.

I’m sure it’s all part of their sustainability drive like the charging for drop offs.

Passed through terminal 1 again on Friday. An awful airport. Drop off parking was like something you’d see on Family guy or the Simpsons, a free for all. Crowds herded through security, took less time than I had imagined, but packed packed packed. Low roof doesn’t help the hemmed in feeling. Travellers (ethnic ones) skipping the queues etc, lots of hard looking lammers on the way to somewhere else. Contrast that with an uncrowded stroll through security in Madrid (fine airport) for my next flight.