Documentaries worth watching

RC alright but not sure ref o Sullivan, King rat had close catholic relationships aswell imagine!

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I have it recorded to watch. Most of the Storyville docs are class

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Just finishing it. A great watch, the Pepe creator seemed an alright sort

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I’d say a decent lad to have a few tins of beer with and maybe an auld joint or two

4 episodes into The Vow. The Nxivm documentary.

Ah lads. Absolute evil.

What’s it about?

This is part of the story.

Shooting the Darkness
BBC 1 tonight.


Saw the last 30 mins or so, was very good

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Yeah it was excellent.

Anywhere to watch it? Had read about it but forgot it was on last night

I watched Finding Jack Charlton last night, excellent, really excellent. Brought a tear to my eye seeing poor Jack ravaged by dementia.
There’s one scene where they are showing him old footage of his Ireland days on a laptop, you could tell none of it was registering with Jack, then there’s a clip of Paul McGrath and his wife asks him does he know that man, his face lights up with the old Jack smile ‘Paul McGrath’ he says, it is priceless!


Where did you see it?


I’m looking on amazon prime here and can’t see it?

You’re drip feeding me info here big man. I’m still none the wiser :man_shrugging:

I got it on Amazon Prime mate, it’s there!

I’ll clear up this mystery guys. You can rent it from amazon prime it’s not available for free

This is interesting