Does whiskey go off after its been open for a bit?

poor enough selection in fairness
i have better in my liquor cabinet in quality and variety

some of the best whiskey in the world coming out of the states mate these days mate
we live in a golden age for beer and whiskey since the explosion of crafts/micros

Seems decent at the price *

*not a clue


Would you like some whiskey with your ice ?


I’d be like you kp. I wouldn’t really know. Whisky just tastes strong to me.


It’s a Celtic Tiger Part Two thing.

What’s up next I wonder.

Glorified paint stripper

I wouldn’t allow it on that worktop

Back to Paddy and Powers.

That’s the “new” name for Jameson Crested Ten isn’t it? Crested Ten was a very nice whiskey for not a lot of money. Does anybody know if Crested is the same stuff? I’m not convinced that it is.

I doubt it mate, both are vile, paddy in particular, I’d rather drink turpentine

I’d like to like whiskey. Never developed a taste for it.

Drank a bit of it once as a young lad over a few day session and for various reasons had to hold in a shite most of next day, eventually went to a takeaway and asked to use the toilet, went in and no toilet paper, back out to ask for it and back i where I did a shite that came out white like dog shits used to be. Must have been the Rennie I was swallowing to deal with the heartburn the whiskey gave me.


I think you can either be a whiskey drinker or not a whiskey drinker, it’s tricky to do it in between. If you are not used to it, anymore than the one can fuck you up, fuck you up good and proper.

It’s an option as you get older and can’t cope with volume any more


A depreciation timebomb, as mentioned.

Bingo. Works for me


Just stuff I picked up along the way. For anyone interested in whisky, the best in depth book — as remains generally agreed — is Phillip Hills’ Appreciating Whisky (2000). PH set up the Scotch Malt Whisky Society in the early 1980s, an initiative that came to have immense influence on the wider industry.

Yes. You can certainly taste a difference. Often, you can taste many differences. Every Glenugie I have drank — four, I think — has a definite ‘grapefruit juice’ note to it. Glenugie is a rare single malt from a long closed distillery. Really worth trying if you run across it. Beautiful stuff.

A lovely little gimmick to look forward. Had a bottle of Teeling’s last year and it had a distinctive taste all of its own. Should go well with the obligatory bottle of Christmas Redbreast.