Does whiskey go off after its been open for a bit?

Apparently there was a drop of whiskey in it which made it eligible for this thread :upside_down_face:

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The Office Lie GIF

Had a taster bottle of redbreast 27 last night. Probably the best I’ve ever tasted

100 euro a ticket!

They have to pay for those fancy poster somehow


No details on what you get for the price :joy:

Well fuck that! You’ll still get a few pretentious fuckers who’d pay it up!

Slightly unfortunate logo.


A south east whiskey festival and no Waterford :man_shrugging:t5:

It’s the very first one mentioned

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Wipe down your spectacles there and read it again.

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Someone’s on the whiskey early tonight.

Waterford mentality is to start at the bottom and work your way up. And in true Waterford style he probably gave up as he got close to the top



Shame GIF


@Pirlo there’s a lot more options for this now with tickets starting at 30 euro. One of them with Waterford @Fagan_ODowd in the Sky and the Ground on the Friday

Opened a teelings single malt, wasn’t expecting much. Decent drinkable stuff.

I suppose there’s a hape of awards but teeling won world single malt of the year a while back.