Does whiskey go off after its been open for a bit?

To think you were questioning me on my whiskey drinking a mere 12 months ago.

That’s a ridiculous price for a very average bottle.

A great bottle for 20 quid

Backtrack you just paid 41 squids for it. 20 dollars here which is about 16 of your things. If you want a nice bourbon try and find Bulleit.

I didn’t buy it. Had it a few months ago in London. You’d get redbreast for 55 quid for fuck sake.

34 in O’Brien’s. We’re getting closer.

FFS, 24 pound.

It’s still fairly average though. What does Bulleit cost in oireland?

Over 40 quid

Well worth it

Back after an agonizing absence, $46. That would be about 38 of your yokes. Tremendous value, best available I would say.


You’re getting roasted in Mexico. I’ll look into it. Have you tried for beer. Duvel for 1.39 a bottle, I’d guess you’d pay 4 euro in the so called free state

For a nation of alcoholics they really get ripped off on booze. A suckers market I suppose.

I wouldn’t be too hard on them, I have aspirations to join them- in terms of nationhood. I’m already there on terms of alcoholism

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Sure aren’t we all. Will happen in our lifetime, convinced of it. Should have happened in 1921.


Onwards and upwards. We’re all on-board for the final shove. It’ll probably be easy enough at the finish up.
We should sort out the alcohol prices first though.
I van always buy a good single malt for 23- 25 squid. Tell that to Leo and Simon

It’s a disgrace what you lot have been getting away with. I fondly remember trips up north in my youth bitching about the evil Brits and buying their cheap booze. A small dissonance to deal with among many.

You should get a job in the qub philosophy deposit. I’ll put in a word for you. Bring @Brimmer_Bradley. We need all the help we can n get

You’ll be all welcome in the new Ireland. A century late but sure who’s counting. RIP to all those who gave their lives for a dream.

Pure poetry. Wherever you are and whatever you’re doing you are under appreciated

God bless you man, you are doing good work.

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He appreciates himself enough for everyone. I wouldn’t worry.

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