Don't feed the Trollflake

Can you produce the post where this kid mocked cancer?

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So we’ve come full circle again. As much as I hate this child what Mac has done is the start the cycle. He’s made up he’s mocked cancer. It’ll be used as a stick to beat him with by other posters and in a few months time he’ll snap and have some sort of meltdown on here. Mac will continue to pretend he’s trying to help. The child badly needs some actual help not a bunch of middle aged men like Mac pretending they are helping him.

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There’s no children on here as far as I know … if you know otherwise I think you need to report this info to the mods. This is not a place for children really.

Have you been following the place closely for the last 12 months then, you weirdo?

Very odd behaviour.

Great moderating again :clap:

We’ve seen odder in fairness.

Is there a limit on the number of logins a person allowed of tfk? Has anyone ever been ip banned from here?

Where we at now, he has worked his way through A-N at this stage?? … just the 12 more letters of the alphabet to work his way through.

IP banning is the next step, but that would stop everyone at the college from logging into TFK.


It’s like showing up to a house party, only to be turned away multiple times for being a jerk.

Moral of the story? Don’t be a jerk.

There’s more than enough Big 4 employees posting here to make up for the shortfall

as if hes ever been to college :smiley:

I’ll make savage money selling on Cracked VPN accounts so lads can bypass the IP Address block.


Sign in @BruidheanChaorthainn

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A disaster for college young wans, the bulk of the lurker audience here

And they all looking for the latest goss regarding Erin Lally.

And updates on Celtic vs Ross County

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