Dublin Bay North Constituency Thread

Has beekers wife kept up her 100 per cent record

Ingrid Miley on the RTE news reporting that the chat from the tallymen in the RDS is Mitchell to take the 3rd seat, Broughan the 4th and Finian the final seat by the skin of his teeth from Aodhan and Lyons.


Shane Coleman was claiming earlier that ORiordain had a seat and they were saying that last night on RTE too.

Somebody has to be wrong.

I would have thought O’Riordain would do well enough on Mrs Sheahan transfers to get over the line. Geography should see Broughan over the line and I would have thought Finian would be the one to lose out.

Rte news reported that tallies taken during the recount indicate Aodhan to miss out by approx 37 votes. This would mean another recount.

This constituency is box office.

Brophy is repugnant

A fucking oaf. Very very poor personal management skills also.

He’s conceded


Him and Avril going is great news

I’m behind anyone but Penrose in Longford-Westmeath now to keep the dissidents at 6 seats and without full speaking privileges in the Dáil.


I’m pretty sure he is a fan of photoshopped pictures of celebrities which makes him a closet homo.

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He is married to a very bright and attractive lady. Some of the bravehearts here used to bully him in school with that name.

Great news.

The pro abortion types have lost their cheerleaders


I think it’s the anti-abortionists who have been decimated if Breda O’Brien’s pre-election wishlist is anything to go by.

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they must have looked very stupid when ms panti and his gay buddies got the marriage for the gays last year

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Interesting that a lot of the gay marriage and pro abortion candidates have been rejected by the people of Ireland in this general election.

Labour picked up 382 transfers out of 5300 when AAA votes were distributed. That’s how far from the left Labour are. About a 7 % transfer rate. SF picked up 2300 and the rest were split between Broughan and McGrath


‘Gaydan’ :slightly_smiling: hehe ORiordan was as staunch pro traveler/pro gay people as you could get in Dail Eireann.

The good people of Dublin North West kicked him out on his hole :smile:

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