Dublin Bay North Constituency Thread

Power is only there cos she worked for Mary Hanafin. She was parachuted into the constituency and they never took to her. She’d never get elected there with the Woods machine.

FF will be all over the place when it comes to the election. There are three in the long grass waiting for M Martin’s head. He is William Hague of FF, the other three are just hoping they don’t become Iain Duncan Smith or Michael Howard.

Sinn Fein I’d say

Rocko, can you change the thread to Dublin Bay North or something more appropriate.

[QUOTE=“Rocko, post: 1148290, member: 1” Power was the closest FF came to a Dublin seat in the last General Election. She had every chance of getting elected this time. [/QUOTE]

Brian Lenihan won a seat for Fianna Fail in Dublin West in the last general election.

Her husband would kill himself if that happened. The humiliation for him would be too much.

[QUOTE=“Ebeneezer Goode, post: 1148301, member: 1785”]Power is only there cos she worked for Mary Hanafin. She was parachuted into the constituency and they never took to her. She’d never get elected there with the Woods machine.

FF will be all over the place when it comes to the election. There are three in the long grass waiting for M Martin’s head. He is William Hague of FF, the other three are just hoping they don’t become Iain Duncan Smith or Michael Howard.[/QUOTE]
She was parachuted in but there was a reason they did that.

She gets a huge amount of people out canvassing for her. I don’t like her, and have registered my disgust at some of her antics last GE on here before, but she has a national profile, she has a big team of loyal supporters here, she’s giving talks every week about depression or the economy at a hotel or GAA club or rugby club or whatever. Woods has no foothold in most of the constituency. Her local ward is mostly in another constituency anyway. She has had two attempts at the locals and wasn’t close either time. She has a great chance of getting nominated now but I don’t think she was a real threat to Power getting a run.

Brian Lenihan won a seat for Fianna Fail in Dublin West in the last general election.[/QUOTE]
Ah you know what I mean.

[QUOTE=“Rocko, post: 1148328, member: 1”]She was parachuted in but there was a reason they did that.

She gets a huge amount of people out canvassing for her. I don’t like her, and have registered my disgust at some of her antics last GE on here before, but she has a national profile, she has a big team of loyal supporters here, she’s giving talks every week about depression or the economy at a hotel or GAA club or rugby club or whatever. Woods has no foothold in most of the constituency. Her local ward is mostly in another constituency anyway. She has had two attempts at the locals and wasn’t close either time. She has a great chance of getting nominated now but I don’t think she was a real threat to Power getting a run.[/QUOTE]

Woods first got elected in 1979 and was there bar a term I think til 2002. He has a machine there and they want his daughter on the ticket. That’s a given.

Power hadn’t a chance to get on the ticket. She was parachuted in because of Mary Hanafin and she demanded that she was put in. She was given a Senate seat for gender reasons.

Hanafin herself is power hungry and this was proven at the last locals. She also knows where the bodies were buried like Micheal Martin so he is wary of her, however after the Blackrock locals Martin wasn’t going to do her protege Power any favours and wasn’t going to stick his neck out and put her as number 3 on the ticket.

Bruton will be re-elected after his issue in the convention. McGrath will suffer due to the redrawing of the constituency but will probably pick up enough first preferences around Clontarf to put him ahead of others which he would get transfers from.

There is a FF seat there and I think Sean Haughey will get in. Aodhan will probably lose out and I hope he does although that’s nothing to do with the fact that @The Selfish Giant and others use to bully him when he was younger.

[QUOTE=“Ebeneezer Goode, post: 1148339, member: 1785”]Woods first got elected in 1979 and was there bar a term I think til 2002. He has a machine there and they want his daughter on the ticket. That’s a given.

Power hadn’t a chance to get on the ticket. She was parachuted in because of Mary Hanafin and she demanded that she was put in. She was given a Senate seat for gender reasons.

Hanafin herself is power hungry and this was proven at the last locals. She also knows where the bodies were buried like Micheal Martin so he is wary of her, however after the Blackrock locals Martin wasn’t going to do her protege Power any favours and wasn’t going to stick his neck out and put her as number 3 on the ticket.

Bruton will be re-elected after his issue in the convention. McGrath will suffer due to the redrawing of the constituency but will probably pick up enough first preferences around Clontarf to put him ahead of others which he would get transfers from.

There is a FF seat there and I think Sean Haughey will get in. Aodhan will probably lose out and I hope he does although that’s nothing to do with the fact that @The Selfish Giant and others use to bully him when he was younger.[/QUOTE]
I think your analysis of the election is reasonable but you’re putting far too much stock in Michael Woods’ powerbase. He’s the conservative old-school FF type that the party are doing their utmost to forget about. He once spent over 2 hours of a Friday evening defending partition to @croppy on the phone because he’s that sort of gombeen who will talk to anyone.

Power has a lot of support in the area. Woods has precious little. She’s had two attempts at the locals and failed miserably. They weren’t about to shaft Power for her. Martin has always gone out of his way to promote Power. Whatever about the Hanafin connection, they’ve done everything to try and make her a high profile candidate and bring a new wave of FF voter to Dublin.

None of that is to say that she’s any use, but she had a vastly better chance of getting elected than Woods.

Also Tommy Broughan will have a decent shout at getting elected.

That may be true mate but he’s still your brother. No need for the personal attack

I’m with Rocko on this. If this Woods girl had an sort of “machine” behind her, she could surely manage to get elected to some two-bit councillor position.

[QUOTE=“Rocko, post: 1148351, member: 1”]I think your analysis of the election is reasonable but you’re putting far too much stock in Michael Woods’ powerbase. He’s the conservative old-school FF type that the party are doing their utmost to forget about. He once spent over 2 hours of a Friday evening defending partition to @croppy on the phone because he’s that sort of gombeen who will talk to anyone.

Power has a lot of support in the area. Woods has precious little. She’s had two attempts at the locals and failed miserably. They weren’t about to shaft Power for her. Martin has always gone out of his way to promote Power. Whatever about the Hanafin connection, they’ve done everything to try and make her a high profile candidate and bring a new wave of FF voter to Dublin.

None of that is to say that she’s any use, but she had a vastly better chance of getting elected than Woods.

Also Tommy Broughan will have a decent shout at getting elected.[/QUOTE]

Not sure what it says about @croppy either

[QUOTE=“Rocko, post: 1148351, member: 1”]I think your analysis of the election is reasonable but you’re putting far too much stock in Michael Woods’ powerbase. He’s the conservative old-school FF type that the party are doing their utmost to forget about. He once spent over 2 hours of a Friday evening defending partition to @croppy on the phone because he’s that sort of gombeen who will talk to anyone.

Power has a lot of support in the area. Woods has precious little. She’s had two attempts at the locals and failed miserably. They weren’t about to shaft Power for her. Martin has always gone out of his way to promote Power. Whatever about the Hanafin connection, they’ve done everything to try and make her a high profile candidate and bring a new wave of FF voter to Dublin.

None of that is to say that she’s any use, but she had a vastly better chance of getting elected than Woods.

Also Tommy Broughan will have a decent shout at getting elected.[/QUOTE]

Forgot Tommy, yes he will be in the mix definitely, possibly come down to him or McGrath.

I think you rate Power too high though. Woods was there from 79 to 02. You think he doesn’t have a base, they have shut Power out of the constituency, she has jumped cos she knows this.

In fairness, Bruton is the only safe seat but I think there is a FF seat there. They may be toxic to a lot of people but if you look at the last election they only missed out on a load of seats on the last count and by a number of votes. They have also been second in the by elections and won one.

With a small change they will have a huge bounce in the number of TDs. Dublin Bay North has still a lot of old school FF and Sean Haughey is still seen in a good light with plenty of voters. There is a labour/independent seat there but will depend on who is in front.

Oh and there is nothing wrong with a TD talking with a voter. I spoke to Eamon O’Cuiv on the phone for about an hour one Sunday morning when I was pots and pans and he’s a decent skin.

FF did a private poll in the constituency. Avril got 2% in that poll.

FF wanted rid of her as she was unelectable but couldnt push her out as Fionan would go postal on them


[QUOTE=“Ebeneezer Goode, post: 1148362, member: 1785”]Forgot Tommy, yes he will be in the mix definitely, possibly come down to him or McGrath.

I think you rate Power too high though. Woods was there from 79 to 02. You think he doesn’t have a base, they have shut Power out of the constituency, she has jumped cos she knows this.

In fairness, Bruton is the only safe seat but I think there is a FF seat there. They may be toxic to a lot of people but if you look at the last election they only missed out on a load of seats on the last count and by a number of votes. They have also been second in the by elections and won one.

With a small change they will have a huge bounce in the number of TDs. Dublin Bay North has still a lot of old school FF and Sean Haughey is still seen in a good light with plenty of voters. There is a labour/independent seat there but will depend on who is in front.

Oh and there is nothing wrong with a TD talking with a voter. I spoke to Eamon O’Cuiv on the phone for about an hour one Sunday morning when I was pots and pans and he’s a decent skin.[/QUOTE]

i think we all assumed that anyway

How dare you!!

[QUOTE=“Ebeneezer Goode, post: 1148362, member: 1785”]Forgot Tommy, yes he will be in the mix definitely, possibly come down to him or McGrath.

I think you rate Power too high though. Woods was there from 79 to 02. You think he doesn’t have a base, they have shut Power out of the constituency, she has jumped cos she knows this.

In fairness, Bruton is the only safe seat but I think there is a FF seat there. They may be toxic to a lot of people but if you look at the last election they only missed out on a load of seats on the last count and by a number of votes. They have also been second in the by elections and won one.

With a small change they will have a huge bounce in the number of TDs. Dublin Bay North has still a lot of old school FF and Sean Haughey is still seen in a good light with plenty of voters. There is a labour/independent seat there but will depend on who is in front.

Oh and there is nothing wrong with a TD talking with a voter. I spoke to Eamon O’Cuiv on the phone for about an hour one Sunday morning when I was pots and pans and he’s a decent skin.[/QUOTE]
Haughey absolutely has a chance - I mentioned that earlier on this thread. He will soak up his old-school votes, plus he might get some of Callely’s old vote. I don’t see that helping Woods at all. Power is the perfect running mate for Haughey because she appeals to the modern FF voter like @Big Mick McCarthy.

The left side of it will be fascinating anyway with Broughan, McGrath, O Riordain and possibly O’Callaghan competing and SF will get >10% anyway and the PPP and SP etc will get another 5% you’d imagine. Could be carnage and order of eliminations will be important. All of which helps make Bruton so safe alright.

[QUOTE=“Ebeneezer Goode, post: 1148339, member: 1785”]Aodhan will probably lose out and I hope he does although that’s nothing to do with the fact that @The Selfish Giant and others use to bully him when he was younger.
Oh look, it’s Gaodhan O’Queerdain

Hard to say who will get elected Dublin North East. I was always shocked when Woods would be constantly re-elected. The fucker never did anything for the area. Broughan will be the best placed to get elected especially for all that he did for the residents of Priory hall with Larry O’Toole probably taking the second seat. Cant see that labour fucker Kenny getting elected, wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t run. Power does stand a good chance of the 3rd seat, she will be up against Flannagan (FG), Haughey (FF) and a host of other independents.