Dublin Bay North Constituency Thread

Shame Larry O’Toole packed it in, he’d be a shoo in this time.

Fuck didnt realise that he had packed it in. He has been around forever. hmmmm Power might get in, it depends on who the new SF is the area.

[QUOTE=“Rocko, post: 1148393, member: 1”]Haughey absolutely has a chance - I mentioned that earlier on this thread. He will soak up his old-school votes, plus he might get some of Callely’s old vote. I don’t see that helping Woods at all. Power is the perfect running mate for Haughey because she appeals to the modern FF voter like @Big Mick McCarthy.

The left side of it will be fascinating anyway with Broughan, McGrath, O Riordain and possibly O’Callaghan competing and SF will get >10% anyway and the PPP and SP etc will get another 5% you’d imagine. Could be carnage and order of eliminations will be important. All of which helps make Bruton so safe alright.[/QUOTE]

Woods won’t get in but they are putting down the marker now and they are thinking of the next term. Woods has a base and that’s means a certain amount of votes.

Power wouldn’t get on the ticket. She is not liked by FF and the Woods team has alienated her in the constituency.

She has no base and and any FF runner will suffer with no base. Seriously Rocko you are over rating her. She is helped by the media and profile but that wouldn’t matter a fuck in Ard na Greina.

See the @The Selfish Giant earlier post, she was on 2%, she hasn’t a fuckin chance.

Larry O’Toole??? Labour’s Kenny??? Get fuckin with it mate.

Flanagan is Renua now, taz.

O’Toole wouldn’t have been helped by the merger with Clontarf/Raheny. His race was run. SF are apparently going to run 2 which seems stupid.

Killian Forde would have been a shoe in had he stayed with SF.

Agreed. Wonder if he’d ever be tempted back. He’d really fit the template of what they look for in a candidate these days. Bizarre jumping ship and then bizarre sudden decision to leave politics altogether.

Can’t see it Rocko, doubt they’d run him anyway. Couldn’t understand the jump myself. Politics is a long game and he was too eager. Crazy decision.

Yeah it’s not really a flier - was just wondering if he regrets his decision. He’s doing well for himself anyway but he obviously has an interest in politics so he must miss it to some degree. And he’d walk it now - the new constituency boundaries would help him and he already had a bit of profile and he was good at getting himself on tv. Outrageous decision.

Post reported. Take ur Roscommon south Leitrim homophobia elsewhere

It certainly wasn’t a clash of intellectual heavyweights but I felt it gave him 2 hours less to rezone green belts etc

Did you ask him the usual questions to see if he passed the test or is that just for candidates when canvassing?

I’ve never heard anyone stutter or look more uncomfortable than FG’s Cathal “the lady undresser” Boland when at a certain door in Portmarnock during the 1997 elections was queried;

Your obviously into politics in a big way and want to serve its people proud?


And your proud of Ireland and its history.

Yes of course.

Well then obviously you can name the signatories of the proclamation?

…taxi for Cathal…

[QUOTE=“Ebeneezer Goode, post: 1148440, member: 1785”]Woods won’t get in but they are putting down the marker now and they are thinking of the next term. Woods has a base and that’s means a certain amount of votes.

Power wouldn’t get on the ticket. She is not liked by FF and the Woods team has alienated her in the constituency.

She has no base and and any FF runner will suffer with no base. Seriously Rocko you are over rating her. She is helped by the media and profile but that wouldn’t matter a fuck in Ard na Greina.[/QUOTE]

I’m with Rocko. You’re overestimating the Woods ‘machine’. She is pants with no profile and anyone left from daddy’s era will be sidelined a bit. I think we’ll have Bruton, no FF(split vote) Finian McGrath, one SF, Tommy Broughan and Aodhan O Riordan sneaking the last spot.

Averil on telly now.

christ,what a munter, what a horrible voice

They were laughing at her in Kilkenny.

I know what that feels like.

I’m having improper thoughts about that zip on Claire’s dress.

I’m not saying Woods will get in for fuck sake. I’m just saying there is a Woods base there at local level and she will get the nod at the convention. Do you know what FF Cumanns are like???

Power has no one. She is hated by FF in that constituency so Woods will be there along with Sean Haughey.

There was two/three FF seats across that area for years prior to the redrawing of the constituency.

Woods/Haughey/Callely/ and not forgetting GV in Porto.
Plenty of FF supporters to get one candidate home.