Dublin Bay North Constituency Thread

Christ, your zany style of researching wikipedia before posting is dull and repetitive.

You predicted Woods would get nominate with Haughey. I said Woods had no chance and was never a real threat to Power’s candidacy. You were wrong. I didn’t predict anything other than Haughey and Heney continuing their rivalry and Woods being an irrelevancy.

I understand that it doesn’t suit your ridiculous persona to just leave a debate with your tail between your legs so I’ll leave the matter here, and will just laugh at whatever pathetic response you waste your time on.

Jesus you’re really making hay here for a lad whose main point was how strong a candidate Power was. This ability to shamelessly shift positions and misrepresent the facts might well see you get the nomination on the FF ticket yourself. Castigating poor Manuel for his speculative praise of Heney as a candidate when you championed Cian O callaghan yourself? @anon98850436 may be a political dullard and @GeoffreyBoycott may have erred a bit here but your own speculations are far hitting the spot. As it stands, there’s a very good chance neither Power nor O Callaghan, your horses, will run. The fact that you pointed out the obvious donkey in Woods is fairly irrelevant.

[QUOTE=“Rocko, post: 1148290, member: 1” Power was the closest FF came to a Dublin seat in the last General Election. She had every chance of getting elected this time. [/QUOTE]

Your assertion that Averil Power was the closest FF came to a Dublin seat in the last General Election was absurd and completely incorrect. Brian Lenihan won a seat for FF in Dublin West. Pathetic analysis.

The fact Power walked off the pitch changed everything. Woods had the machine within FF around that area, the same area where Power was based, Power had no one. Heney and Haughey are based up the other end. Woods would have caused an issue at the convention. I did say she would win the convention but that was with Power in it.

I never once said she would be elected to the Dail next time around. Power won’t be around for any future elections for FF. Woods is playing the game.

All the chat about Woods and Power was after Power left FF mate.

Yes but all analysis was based prior to Power walking off. Power wasn’t going to get by the convention, she had no ‘power’ within FF in that area and Woods had. The deal was also done after Power was gone. Woods playing a longer game now Power is gone.

So you were writing after Power left about a hypothetical situation of Power not leaving. Makes sense. Woods isn’t playing a longer game. She’s not playing at all. She’s hidden in the background as her profile, popularity and ability condemns her to obscurity.

I’ll put my hands up and say I was wrong about Woods getting on the ticket this time.

However, my point about Power was that Woods grouping alienated her in the constituency.

If Woods is to slip off into the background then why didn’t she do that months ago and leave Power alone in that end of the constituency.

It is only now that Woods has decided to do a deal, I was hardly to know that when I posted the day Power walked away over not getting a ticket into the gay party in Dublin Castle. She wouldn’t have got on the FF ticket either.

Rather than condemn one to obscurity, lack of profile, popularity and ability is more often than not a recipe for a successful political career in this country.

Some amount of spoofers talking complete and utter bollocks in this thread :slight_smile:

i see aodhan is organizing a reading of joyce by senator norris for constituents


Dublin Bay North People’s Debate with Vincent Browne on TV3 now.

Is that geebag Power running as an independent?

Cian O’Callaghan has joined the Social Democrats and will be running for them in the GE.

The constituency that keeps on giving. It’ll be carnage on the lampposts of Dublin Bay North soon.

Did you get a calendar yet @ Rocko?

I’d have to check the green bin to be sure. She called to the door recently but I don’t recall receiving anything as innovative and useful as a calendar with local phone numbers on it.

It’s a real shame her rugby world cup calendar didn’t extend to cover 2016 and she could have saved the taxpayer a few quid. I wonder would Fionnan have access to cheap printing presses for her future needs.

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CianO Callaghan has the posters up already, as far in as Raheny. I think he will poll very strongly.

I don’t think do. I think he’ll struggle. Too many heavyweights in there and he’s stepping up a few weights. Zero profile in most of the constituency.

I can see him getting 3000 first preferences.