

More great news for Talbot Street

The portal is a cracking idea. Big crowd at it there yesterday when I was passing. A Brazilian girl waving away at her brother over on the far side.


It is. You’d just fear for it given the element who’ll be around there.

From the success of the portal surely some entrepreneurial sort will come up with a mobile video call service - like WhatsApp but using your camera when you talk so people can see each other.

Something which allows people serious face time


There’s already a machine doing that. I saw it featured on something the other day. A booth at both sides and it’s like they are in the same room. Apparently being used a lot for celebrity "appearances " etc but I’d imagine it’s extremely expensive.

Something our grandkids will take for granted

I think this was the crowd featured


I’ll be impressed when you can walk through it and come out in New York instantly,

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Scottie’s would do serious biznis

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There used to be a bar in Dublin Airport where you could do exactly that


The Far right lads would love it once the traffic remained one way.

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Seems I couldn’t get Ulster final tickets, I went on tour of Irish emigration museum and tour of the Jeanie Johnston. Great when you find a distant relation in the emigration museum who gave a lot to WWI. Both well worth a visit. Jackie Tyrell’s Dublin cousin giving tour of Jeanie Johnston. 7 years going across to Quebec during the Irish Holocaust, not one single death onboard.


In news that wont surprise anyone


Hundreds of Millions spent by Bord Failte over a few decades undone in a week.

At least the old way, we waited til they got here and spent a few bob before making a show of ourselves.

They’ll never leave Kerry now

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You want some?

