Dunne's Stores are thieving cunts

Why is that?

They are probably the only major multiple in Western Europe where each store orders directly from the supplier. Most other multiples have a central distribution site where deliveries from all suppliers are stored. Each store then orders electronically as they need it.
In the case of Dunnes Stores, a rep has to call in an average of once a week, manually count the stock and do an order with the manager.


You canā€™t be serious! No central billing?

That is bannanas

Thanks for the answer. Learn something new everyday

I thought you meant it was because they provided cheap, ill-fitting suits


Well all billing is sent to head office. But theyou have no central distribution system. They have been talking about it for the last ten years and every now and again rumours start spreading that she has bought/leased a huge site somewhere which inevitably leads to a panick among reps in the ind us try.
As far as I know there was a lot of resistance among store managers as they felt they wouldnā€™t have control of their own stock. Around 2010 there were strong rumours that Wallmart had struck a deal to buy it. The deal was apparently done in Euros but the dollar collapsed as did the sale thereafter.
Most of the major suppliers want her to go central as the effect on their bottom line would be huge in terms of costs.

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Really ??

Thatā€™s what has half the reps in the country still in employment as well as a few hauliers.

I can imagine. Disaster on margins delivering to 100+ stores

I would assume that the other multiples there is automatic ordering based on the POS returns on a daily basis.

Never knew that all. No wonder Dunnes canā€™t compete

Most other multiples have an ordering system based on electronic control of stock levels. These levels can be adjusted to cater for promotions etc.
This is particularly important coming up to the festive period as it is easier for multiples like Tesco, Aldi, Supervalue etc to get their stock levels right. In the case of Dunnes, a rep is provided with the previous years stock card around the middle of November. He/She then has to go through each line and account for growth/decline etc. and order accordingly. Itā€™s massively time consuming and can very quickly lead to overstocking or offsales if the balance is not right.
To make matters worse because of the way they order, very few Dunnes receive next day delivery. Therefore if something goes goes off sale it can take up to three days to get it back in. This is a huge advantage with central distribution as the vast majority of deliveries are next day and some are even same day depending on location

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Would you rather repping or store management yourself, Mike?

I love repping Harry. Iā€™m not the type to stay in one place for the whole day.
I also love driving which helps. The one disadvantage is that every now and again you pull the car up on a Friday evening and donā€™t want to see the inside of it again for the weekend. Sometimes passes the wife off if she wants to go for a spin on a Saturday or Sunday

Driving is great in a way & a fucking killer tiredness wise.

Meet some gas fuckers on the road doing calls.

Up to a August the wife would tease me because she reckoned I had ā€œa great jobā€ driving around the place. She drove to Kilkee with herself, the mother in law and the kids for a few days. She came home on the Sunday evening absolutely exhausted after the drive. I just laughed as I would drive the equivalent of that distance on a daily basis. She hasnā€™t given out to me once after that. Particularly on a Friday when Iā€™m sick of the site of the car

Driving is awful. Herself and invariably row over who isnā€™t driving whenever we go anywhere.
This will likely extend to refuelling now.

Hi Micko

Have they not improved the EPOS info now?

Glad you are not a gynaecologist

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I like driving as well even though I have no interest in cars, is that strange?
Maybe I just hate being a passenger.

You are strange. Donā€™t worry about it

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One n in the first syllable in the word banana you typically stupid gay cunt from Cork.