Eamon Ryan to save Limerick

I really don’t see many people who wouldn’t vote for Roderic considering voting green in any capacity.

He’s definitely suffered from having a tough ministry at a very difficult time. But I’m not sure it will have a huge impact - there are lots of seats in jeopardy no matter the leader unfortunately.


Its chilling.

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But shouldn’t that be the point - the leader is the face of each party and considering the Greens are getting wiped out lately they need a quick bounce to salvage as much as the can heading into a general election very soon. Roderic won’t give them a bounce and in fact they could drop even more votes under him. Pippa Hackett is more palatable to rest of Ireland and they can sell her genuine farming background. I have no skin in either candidate just giving my impartial impression of someone down the country. If I was them I’d roll the dice on Pippa.

I dont think they get to “pick”.

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Lads deluding themselves here that the leader of a party makes no difference as to who will vote for it especially a single transferable vote where transfers and the order of transfers is what Greens will need to get seats. Many of us who gave a 3 or a 4 to a Green won’t give one under a leader who misled people about the legal advice he received about referendums as it served his purpose to withhold information.


Woderick will walk it.

At least Ryanair have gone quiet, those tweets yesterday were shocking.

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headbanger alert

the roderick led referendums were roundly defeated in spite of his lies and witholding of information that should have been in he public sphere before the vote. if the greens think theyll have any success with this lad at the helm, theyre delusional


Really? You dont see any advantage in a party leader having a heap of charisma?

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Animated GIF

I would have thought the main criteria for selecting a party leader would be the capability to do the job,
Pippa may well be the best person for the job but taking advice from the headbanger right is hardly good policy for Greens.

Roderick will need an incredibly thick skin because the headbangers will turn up the heat savagely but he’ll know that


The job is to win votes/not lose votes as unless you win votes you don’t get to do much else.

The Marxist agitators must not understand democracy.

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The Greens moving left would be a massive mistake pre election. There’s seats to be saved in Dublin.

I would think with O’Gorman as leader there is less likelihood of that as he shares cabinet responsibility. That said, I can appreciate the concerns about him given the negative attention he has gotten (whether right or wrong). Circumstances are important.

There was one fella in my oul’ fella’s place of work that got sacked. The sacking offence was that he stabbed a female co-worker he didn’t like with a knife.

I thought it was fair enough you’d get sacked for that.

Was the female from Dublin? Was the stabber a simpleton from Galway? I think we could be onto something here.


Illegal dumping constitutes under 1% of household waste disposal, therefore anybody who is against illegal dumping is a woke, virtue signalling extremist.

Actually when you think about it the very concept of bins is Marxist extremist agitation. It fucking sickens me when I see somebody putting something in a bin in public.

“Oooooh, look at me, I’m using a bin, amn’t I chic and sophisticated?!”

Woke, headbanging, virtue signalling nonsense.

Go illegal dumping!



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If I’m eating a vegetarian roll on the go, why should I bother putting the wrapper in a bin? What percentage of all waste in Ireland is that wrapper?

D’you know another thing that digusts me? Those people who you occasionally see going around doing volunteer litter pick ups. Sickening, virtue signalling wokesters. And of course they have to do it in public. “Oooh, look at me, I’m picking up litter!”

Fuck off.

Let litter run wild and free, as capitalism and nature intended.
