Eamon Ryan to save Limerick

I think it would be an advantage. I don’t think he’s less charismatic than Pippa though. Or enough to make a difference. He has far more experience with the media and with leadership than she does.

I think their drop off is overstated. They probably over performed electorally at the last two elections and some of that has corrected itself.
I think if they purely target retainable seats then that would focus on Dublin anyway.

Anyway I think whatever choice the members make, I think it will be a fight to hold onto a reasonable number of seats.

Does his experience with AG’s count?

Rodders would be a disaster I think. Already a divisive figure, it would only deepen the view that the Greens are the party of the leafy urban elite lentil munchers. Eamon Ryan, even though people disagreed with him had a certain folksy whimsical charisma that Rodders completely lacks. Ryan will be a significant loss to the Greens as a figurehead.

That said two of their heavy hitters have already ruled themselves out in Martin and Smyth. They are even talking about Hackett who might not even be electable in her own constituency. Rodders might get it by default.


It’s entirely possible that the leaders of three political parties will fail to get elected at the next GE.

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Cairns, Ivana and Roderic?

Yes. Cairns, Bacik and whomever becomes Green leader

Bacik will be pleased with Ryan gone.

I think it’s a bit of a disaster for the coalition not to have 3 out of 4 TDs in Dublin Bay South.

You won’t see SF IRA being praised for sticking to their guns.


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Fired it up last night when I heard the news


She would be a great choice…might precipitate the demise of the cult!

The only useful thing the greens ever promised was wolves in the midlands to feast on biff cunts. They didn’t even do that!



Eamo made the buses run on time, like Mussolini but with buses instead of trains. Our trains are still crap.

Yep, but there are massive changes coming

Really? When exactly?

Which, dart n, w sw or metro

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In general I would have to disagree. The kit is pretty fresh, the ticketing is very accessible, the prices have improved remarkably and it all runs pretty well on an old but slowly improving infrastructure. I use Galway/Dublin regular enough and it’s fairly on the ball time wise. The kids use it into Galway for college daily. In that regard, it’s been a life saver as there’s no way we’d have afforded accommodation for 2.
The train doesn’t stop at my nearest train station all of the time is my only gripe.


Real soon pal, reeeeeal soon.


Agree with this. I always get the train now to Galway. Trains every couple of hours, always on time, pretty modern coaches and generally 32 euro return which is half what you’d pay driving and very good value. Only gripe would be no services on it so can’t even buy a bottle of water but grand as long as you’re prepared for it. Toilets could be cleaned more regularly as well but overall a grand way to travel.