Eamon Ryan to save Limerick

The bus service from Dublin to Galway has recently gone up from 13 euro to 15 euro. The train is just 99 cents dearer.

Could do with a couple of later trains though. For comparison there are 16 trains a day between Belfast and Derry.

The last train from Galway to Dublin being at 7:20pm and the last bus at 7:45pm (bar the airport buses which begin at 1:30am or so) is limiting.

Have to say I’m pleasantly surprised by the replies sticking up for the rail service. We’re at least 20 years waiting on the Metro, fingers crossed.


Is there no green bus between Galway and Dublin,it 20 return from Limerick to Dublin if I’m not mistaken and only a fiver for kids.Savage value.

If it bothers to turn up. Has let my mother down three times in the last 6 months in Adare.

Waiting on the green bus now. It’s generally 50:50 as to whether the 6.30 bus shows up are not

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I rarely use public transport but if I have to take an intercity coach, it’s never that one. It’s a pity cos it has good facilities.

Best of luck to eamon, if you look at a lot of his policies from a purely green perspective you’ll have to say he was a massive success.

The greens need to stick to the environmental politics, this following the woke vote is madness.

I wasnt aware that eamon had a child with special needs. That isnt easy caring for your family and be a government minister let alone have that responsibility

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This is why you need to be kind mate.

I for one enjoyed having a cut off him as a political figure but hes now retiring he deserves to have his time. Best of luck eamon. After all hes a human no need to be a cunt about it

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I’ve never had any problems with it,if I’m going to Dublin and am having a few jars I always get the bus.

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I often see Eamon around the neck of the woods that I’m currently stranded in. He brings his young lad to the Dodder clean up, which is done bi weekly. I am in a similar boat to him re having a child with additional needs. I could never figure out how he managed to juggle the virulent abuse he seems to constantly receive online and sometimes in person, whilst also caring for and fathering a child in that situation.

Having a child in that situation is one of the most stressful and exhausting experiences.But you plough on, because you love the little fecker and because there’s no other option but to plough on.

Eamon had he’s flaws, we all do. but as one of the Healy Raes said, he stuck to his guns and had his principles. That’s admirable. I wish him all the very best in retirement.


he always gets abuse for the car he is driving which he needs for his kid

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You remind me a lot of Jackie Healy Rae


Did Tipp go Green like Kerry did??:wink:

i see your lot were in Wicklow this week


He seems to be a thoroughly decent man,


Yeah, im sound unless there is an english man around, i assume your on about the young buck

I find the hatred for the greens in rural Ireland strange. The greens are the ones helping them in the green transition. Do farmers think they can continue to demand to be allowed pollute rivers and get paid by the EU to do it?

Radicalised rural simpletons have a lot to answer for for hounding a good man like Eamon out of office.


If we had electric cars first and we were bringing in diesel cars you’d have the same lads complaining.

People just don’t like change.

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