Eamon Ryan to save Limerick



That 70S Show Lol GIF by Peacock

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Talking lies like your hero Woderick again, are we??

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I didn’t think a bright spark like you would give rural simpletons the oxygen by bestowing such credit on them.

Get fucked you cunt

I live in rural Ireland. Have done all my life and will until my final breath.

The reasons The Greens are widely detested in rural Ireland (and increasingly in large swathes of urban Ireland)

  • in many parts of the country there is little or no public transport. People rely on their private car or van. It’s either use that mode of transport or you don’t work. Simple as that. The reason people like me have seen prices at the pump increase astronomically is because of Eamon Ryan and his party. They e insisted on carbon taxes as part of the programme for government. Insisting on carbon taxes in the middle of a cost of living prices - that makes sense.

  • I’m a farmer. It’s my livelihood. Eamon Ryan and his party want to cull my herd and put me out of business. Imagine a party who’d want accountants or librarians or any occupation put out of business. A politician from a leafy suburb in Dublin telling me and others how to run our livelihoods, the same fella has probably never set foot on a farm. Going to Kerry for a week every year doesn’t mean he understands rural Ireland.

  • Him and his party have blocked repeated road building. Ask anyone in Galway if they need that outer ring road, and to which the Greens have objected every single step of the way. Again, a champagne socialist from Dublin dictating to the people in the west of Ireland.

  • he’s a hypocrite. Bemoans air pollution and excessive travel non stop yet there has hardly been a Minister who has travelled more in the last four and a half years. Look at his trips every St Patrick’s Day alone. Restrictions for thee but not for me…!

  • Him and his party, who have a tiny vote in rural Ireland, are against one off houses. It’s because of the likes of him people are being refused planning permission on their own land. And they wonder why small towns and villages are dying.

  • he’s not the only person in the country with a child with special needs. (I doubt he ever had to fight for the services his son and every other child deserves). My own daughter passed away a number of years ago after her parents fought tooth and nail to get her what she needed. I emailed Eamon Ryan and he did absolutely fuck all - the response was along the lines of ‘it’s not my department, nothing to do with me.’ Useless. It was the local Fianna FĂĄil man who eventually sorted it out for me, and That’s why I vote for him.

So don’t give me this rubbish of what an amazing, sound fella Eamon Ryan is. It’s the same when every politician in this country resigns - empty plaudits. It was the same when Haughey, Bertie, Cowen, Bruton and the rest went.

I’ve nothing against the guy personally but his policies have directly impacted on me and many others. If some gentle piss taking from Michael O’Leary is all he has to endure then pity him.



A few points in response. I don’t think I’ve given the greens a first preference vote ever by the way.

The greens have singlehanded massively increased public transport for rural Ireland. The greens have helped rural Ireland on this front massively and their initiatives will continue to help.

Carbon taxes are absolutely necessary, anyone that doesn’t accept that is being silly. They’re not the main reason petrol and diesel went up. These gripes are silly.

Galway doesn’t need a road, it will only increase traffic more. They’re correct on this.

One off housing is a problem. It’s bad for Ireland as it’s a drain on society and it’s bad for rural Ireland. They’re correct on this.

We live on an island, we need planes. Ministers need to travel. I think that’s a nonsense point.

A genuine question on your farm, herd, livelihood, do you believe you will or should be able to continue your business in the way you are now for the next ten years? How about twenty years? Do you honestly think it will remain a going concern without having to change substantially?

*PM sent


Sorry to read that about your daughter, that’s rough.


It’s life, you get on with it. What can you do. There’s people out there who have it far worse than me.

Not looking for pity, just annoyed me that having a child with special needs seems to absolve Eamon Ryan of all criticism. It was never mentioned by him before, but as he walks away after getting annihilated in the European and local elections that’s justification for him being a nice guy and not subject to scrutiny over his damaging policies.

Hope he enjoys his time with his son, life is precious. I bear him no personal animosity but his party are against me and my livelihood. The kicking they got at the ballot box last week says more than I ever could.


Go back to bed you quisling flute

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You clearly hear him plenty of personal animosity because you’re criticising him and his policies, and using his child as a stick to beat him with which you could have ignored if you felt it wasn’t relevant.

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Hold on a sec now, pal.

Criticising him for the policies he has inflicted on farming and agriculture is not personal animosity. That’s the nature of politics. Other politicians have had it far worse, and not felt the need to go crying like you and your party.

Not in any way, shape or form have I used his child ‘as a stick to beat him with’. As I outlined above, I hope he enjoys his time with his son.

You’ll probably ban me or prevent me from posting on this thread or others, as you’ve done on other topics. All your fellow Green Party members and lick arses will be on any minute to back you up anyway.

Roll on the general election and we’ll see how popular the green agenda is.


Hold on a sec now yourself.

This little quote

he’s not the only person in the country with a child with special needs. (I doubt he ever had to fight for the services his son and every other child deserves)

is nothing to do with his policies. It’s personal. It’s a bit of a dickhead thing to say but it says more about you than him.

If you don’t like this place or feel it’s not for you then you’re completely entitled to fuck off whenever you wish and I’ll fully refund the €0 you have contributed. You’re not obliged to remain here and suffer the tyranny you are so distressed by.

Nobody who has been banned from here has ever been banned for a first or second offence or without good reason. If you don’t like it, don’t return. But spare us all the persecution vibes. They’re a bit much.


In that case then you might tell me why I’m prevented from commenting on certain topics.

An auld indication why would have helpful.

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Cool the jets pal

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Fair play.

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@SlippyStevie ?

thinly veiled i like poisoned water & air with cacogenic particulates

No persecution or victim vibes off me. I’m well able to fight my corner and state my case.

This place is a tiny release from the stresses of day to day life.

Constructive criticism of your local political hero doesn’t have to lead to you losing the plot. Far worse was said about other candidates - both successful and unsuccessful - in the local and European elections but because the people on the receiving end of those comments are despised by the left those comments are left unchecked. In fact you even liked a few of them yourself. That really helps the political discourse in the country you so decry.

In short. Criticism of politicians I don’t like - good. Criticism of politicians I like - disgusting and abusive.

Go and tell your mate Eamon to have a check back on his emails - there’s one with ‘CHILD WITH SPECIAL NEEDS ASSISTANCE REQUEST’ that he or his staff replied to with a four sentence paragraph and didn’t bother his arse to help.