Eamon Ryan to save Limerick

Services to it
Damage to nature

They want to be allowed to continue to pollute with impunity.

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Yeah, we want to be the only people in europe to pollute our waterways

Where do people live in the country then?

Towns or existing stock

Same in dublin though, we are very slow building mid density

Disproportionate consumption of limited resources.

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Outstanding post. The laughable arguments it by the woke morons only reinforcing your points. People who live in grim estates in Dublin want to tell people that they can or canā€™t build on their own land? Want to tell then to use public transport even if the nearest bus stop is five miles away or more? And ā€˜we live on an island we have to have planesā€™ is a piss weak response to Ryans pointless international travel. Yeah the luas in galway is just around the corner :joy:


ā€œWe want to build up in mountains in the middle of nowhereā€
ā€œits outrageous there isnt public transport near my new houseā€



I knew Ryan being called out for pointless trips would trigger you. Like you making all those pointless trips to Australia. Not to mention the waste of fuel driving past your local soccer clubs to go to tallaght to follow a, em, big, team.

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Agriculture has responded better than most industries over the last 5 years

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Have you ever been on a plane?

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Still the worst though

Here we go. Object to your livelihood being decimated and you are a climate denier.

To answer yourself and @glasagusban - farming has changed enormously over the last three decades. Most of it for the better.

Farmers donā€™t just object to change and hate the Green cult for the sake of it. Theyā€™ve openly said they want to reduce the national herd. How does that benefit me? How does that benefit any farmer?

Iā€™ve complied with each and every new directive from Brussels - it might surprise the latte drinking classes from Rathmines but most of us donā€™t want to poison our own families, neighbours and friends. It just comes a time when a sector canā€™t take any more and that time is now.

You donā€™t last long in this business without a love of animals. Donā€™t want to think what Iā€™ve spent on vet fees over the years - probably the deposit on a house. Would happily do it all again.

Weā€™re targeted for reducing emissions while Eamon Ryan flies all over the globe. He was even in China there recently - needless to say he didnā€™t open his mouth about the vast coal burning factories in operation there. No, happy to go after farmers in a tiny island of 5 million people when thereā€™s eight or nine billion people in the planet.

Heā€™s a bluffer, in my opinion, and this Oā€™Gorman chancer will be even worse. Widely acknowledged he has made a dogs dinner of immigration and now weā€™ll have a fella from Blanchardstown who wouldnā€™t know a cow from a cougar deciding what farmers and families in Cork, Mayo, Leitrim and Wexford can and canā€™t do.


Because you could pivot to something else?

I just find it odd that you seem to think your business model will stay the same. Do you actually think that?

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Where did I say you were a climate denier?

I asked you if you thought measures need to be brought in, across the board, in relation to climate change?

By the way I know a lot of farmers and they wouldnā€™t say their livelihood is being decimated.

Think itā€™s a fairly basic and straightforward question.

Depends on how you account for total emissions

Of course it has changed, like any industry it has evolved. No doubt in 20 years time, what we are doing now will look dated.

Iā€™m going to pass my land on to my son in time. Thankfully he has a love of the land and agriculture. I donā€™t know a single game farmer who actively goes out of their way to harm their land, their community or their environment. It just doesnā€™t happen. Yet, itā€™s always farmers who are in the firing line from the Greens. Default setting.


How can he pivot? What do you think farmers do exactly, and dairy farmers in particular? They have spent fortunes on concrete and specialised infrastructure on the back of state funded teagasc advice. Itā€™s less than 10 years since quotas were lifted