Eamon Ryan to save Limerick

Who polluted the river allow lad??

The local FF lad has played a blinder convincing you that the Greens are single handedly setting agriculture policy in this country.

Personally it seems obvious to me that massive changes in how we all live are inevitable, and particularly for farmers. But people should be able to still make a good livelihood from their land, itā€™s just going to involve change and adaptation. To me, the Greens are the only ones making any effort to get ahead of these changes that are coming. No one likes change forced up on them. But farmers should be working with the green transition, not against it. It can be to their benefit. I think the approach that the farming lobby is currently taking is going to see the industry absolutely fucked in the long run and theyā€™ll probably blame the greens for that too.

I find the nitrates directive thing mad. Thereā€™s evidence of massive pollution that we need to stop and the farmers are lobbying against change so they can be allowed to continue polluting rivers. It just seems a nonsensical position.

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You want a pass to allow you to poison water

That suggests you are all happy to detroy the land

Heā€™s a great TD.

Heā€™ll walk back in at the next election. When you are consoling Oā€™Gorman at the count centre in a few months time think of people like me who his party have fucked over.

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How have the greens fucked you over?

It works both ways.

For instance, Ryan telling people in the country to car pool! Come on to fuck!

Also, any hint of changes in farm sizes has to be treated extremely sensitively and I donā€™t think it has. Rural people and land runs so deep, right back to planters and famines and all sorts.

No poison, weā€™ve had to devise our own water scheme off our own bat. Regular checks undertaken on the water quality so as to protect ourselves and each other. Itā€™s called community spirit.

Ah yes the nitrates. Piles of sewage plants pumping shit into rivers and septic tanks rotten everywhere. Are these some kind of magical nitrates??

But no , look away as thereā€™s a handy scapegoat to carry the can. Thereā€™s piles of lads invested heavily along eg the Function but as thereā€™s an overflowing sewage system in Kilbehneny itā€™s all for nought.

Until those living in these overflowing sewage plant catchments are billed for their contribution to pollution will you see this sorted.

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Not trying to be smart or be argumentative with you here, but just on the principle of this, if people choose to live in the countryside, should they have an entitlement to live a more polluting lifestyle?

EPA says otherwise mate

Rivers say otherwise, mate.

Simplistic question I know.
Farming is abolished in the morning, as lads here are advocating.
How does the world feed itself?

Hope you like lettuce

Who advocated that?

cow secretion farmers being abolished will have 0 affect

Iā€™d say if the likes of @Rocko , @glasagusban and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy ever had to spend a day working on a farm, the ā€œhave you ever soiled yourself as an adult ā€œ thread would have 10,000 posts in an hour


Itā€™s a suggestion, might suit some

Nobody can tell you to do that

Says the man who never worked a day in his life.

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