Eamon Ryan to save Limerick

Theyā€™d to build a fairly substantial park and ride up the road here as a lot of the lads going up and down to Dublin every day were car pooling and leaving loads of cars and vans alongside the hard shoulder. I know plenty of people in the country who have car pooled over the years. Itā€™s doable.


Clearly Eaman Ryan enslaved them all.

Below in Danesfort close to the motorway, always cars parked there with lads carpooling.

The irony :grinning:

Where do you work yourself?

Semantics I know, but the Greens are advocating we as a country move from the traditional model and diverisfy into plant only operations. Thats insanity and again I ask the question how does the world feed itself in this scenario?
Are we all to become vegan?

People donā€™t choose to live in the countryside. They are born there. It is their home.

Also there is no public transport in the countryside like there is in Dublin for instance.

A car is needed to get around.

It is unreasonable to ask people to carpool. How about all the people around Dublin who drive to work when there is public transport? Ask those fuckers to carpool.

It was a ridiculous suggestion that made him look utterly detached from rural Ireland.

Iā€™m not advocating going vegan, but you are correct, the world can produce a vast amount more food and sustain far more people if if people were vegan. Thatā€™s a pretty basic fact.

Semantics should be accompanied by a degree of accuracy.

The advocacy there is for a majority of plant based production. Thatā€™s a long way from ā€œplant only.ā€

Itā€™s also an encouragement to evolveā€¦ not an overnight switch that you referenced earlier.

People choose where they live. Thereā€™s different factors involved but it is a choice.

Iā€™d absolutely be in favour of banning anyone from driving to work in Dublin.

Also, isnā€™t carpooling a thing that most people do all the time anyway? Especially in the country? Itā€™s pretty normal and basic to share school runs and even more beneficial to people in rural areas? Iā€™m not sure I really understand your objection.

You lecture but you havenā€™t a fucking notion.


Was this a serious statement?


Youā€™ve obviously never built a house in rural Ireland

Great to see the round bales being drawn this evening. Farmers are the best of us in fairness.


The vast majority anyway. Maybe disabled people or people working in emergency services need cars. Thereā€™s no need to drive to work in Dublin for the vast majority of people.

I shouldnā€™t really indulge this but are you suggesting that someone who is born in the country and decides to live in the country should somehow be penalised because he drives a car to get around?

Where did I lecture anyone dimwit?

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Where did you get that out of?

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