Eamon Ryan to save Limerick

Ban it? So if you spend VRT on a car, tax and insurance, insane money for fuel, and you can’t use it in the capital city? I think that would be insane

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Forget it.


You’re getting the jist of these lads now

Speaking of green, my grass hasn’t grown an inch the last week.

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Warmest June ever, mate.


What do you think about congestion in London for example?

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Can you explain your fundamental objection to carpooling? Is sharing a lift ok?

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I don’t have an objection to it in certain circumstances like bringing kids to matches but coordinating with your neighbour that you go to the shop at the same time just isn’t going to happen.

Farmers carpooling to go to the mart,

It’s not realistic.


Are you being serious? Asking a farmer that, when the Agricultural sector is by far & away the best in class in curtailing emissions and using best practices to farm more environmentally efficiently.

Tbf, it wasn’t the Green Party who said it was open season in Dairying which saw an explosion in numbers and a dramatic overstocking of land which increased fertiliser requirements.

Many within the sector said it would cause problems but others ploughed on greedily and are suffering now.

In general, the vast majority of farmers are using environmentally friendly practices to reduce emissions at a cost to their production costs.
They are paying huge energy costs.
Labour is non existent.

I don’t think supporters of the Green Party realise where we are headed as regards food production and it’s something that needs to be addressed.
If Farmers are retiring in droves it’s because there is nobody willing to continue it on.


Goway you sneer

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Who would employ you if you weren’t counting paper clips in the civil service?


Company car is the job. No need to worry about car pooling. Fill her to the gills with green diesel, kick off the exhaust and the job is oxo


The NGO industrial complex?

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Farmers have a days work done before some of these chumps get into the office for their cushy 9-5 pen pushing duties.

I’ve no opinion on it. I’d say public transport is better there though.

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God help you if you ever have to live in the real world.


So you don’t actually have a problem with carpooling in principle? As a concept? What would the issue with sharing a lift to the mart be? Bring home purchases?

People aren’t going to do it.

Even if they could?

Let it go.