Eamon Ryan to save Limerick

Maybe I gave him too much credit

There’s a lot of folks dependent on the poor cow, not just the farmer.

The Dublin party forget that.

They’re not my party. I vote Green sometimes. I also vote for other parties. I gave my local Green candidate a #2 vote the other week. I’m not a member of any party and don’t work for any party.

I have plenty of time for criticism of the Greens and of some of their policies. I’m just pointing out where I don’t agree with some of the criticism.

The Greens want to influence policy. It’s a tough station to try and do that from a minority position because as Labour and the PDs and the Democratic Left etc have found out to their cost it can lead to a lot of blame at election time. It’s very hard to overcome that and maybe there’s merit in trying to be more popular or populist and toning down the preaching. But I don’t think the membership of the Greens would accept that. And that’s where they’re more unique because their member aren’t political - they’re people who want environmental outcomes.

Eamonn Ryan was about as conservative and inoffensive a leader as the Greens are likely to have. And still he was perceived as being too radical by many, sometimes for selfish reasons.

Anyway, there will be attacks by FF and FG candidates at the forthcoming election but I’d say the leaders of both parties have been grateful to have the Greens there (and the green agenda) in government and I wouldn’t rule them out being in again in smaller numbers, even if the numbers didn’t demand it.


An awful lot of words to say i used be a cunt but ive grown as a person and if you dont agree youre a cunt/fascist/rangers supporter :joy:

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I said something similar to the last sentence of this paragraph yesterday and the muldoons went bananas.

The Green agenda, however, as he suggested in his resignation statement this week, has been narrated as one of punishment and loss, the changes and adaptations relating to climate and nature commonly referred to as an “attack” on those who see themselves as guardians of Ireland’s real and rural soul against the Gonzaga Greens. It is a narcissistic narrative and entirely self-defeating, and those who have crafted it will be louder than most in decrying what they regard as insufficient support when next looking for Noah’s Ark to rescue them.

Bike lanes were the chosen point of difference for Fine Gael MEP Regina Doherty who compared them to the Berlin Wall and previously as a member of Government encouraged civil disobedience against the North-South interconnector. Independent Ireland MEP Ciaran Mullooly lambasted a lack of democracy around the endlessly debated, and conspicuously modest Nature Restoration Law. The IFA has declared war on the Green Party. There are always reasons to fiddle while the planet burns and political dividends for doing so.

I also said something similar to this yesterday and the muldoons went apeshit altogether:

Too little of the green agenda is talked about in terms of opportunity, instead of obligation. Politically, climate denial has mutated into the sowing of confusion and delay. Merchants of doubt are shape-shifting whereby the principles of climate change are usually unquestioned, but every point of action is challenged.

how dare you suggest stopping country kids breathing in cariogenic NXO is something to be welcomed

You city slickers sort out your high rates of pollution, sewage issues etc and leave rural ireland protect the countryside as we’ve done successfully for generations.



Most of the initiatives are poorly thought out and are merely window dressing. Grants simply line the pockets of suppliers.

The disconnect is the problem, the fact you and your ilk are just puppets for big oil & gas in a roundabout way makes it even more galling.

It’s a real attack on rural people, industry wants access to the land to offset emissions. Not much more complicated than that

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can anyone fact check this?

my attic insulation cost €1500, i got €1300 back, at the time i thought €200 for attic insulation was good value but in hindsight i was only lining the pockets of suppliers?


Talk to me about LESS

talk to you about slurry?


Whose pocket is the circa €2500 grant going to?

PV quote from SEAI approved installer for 22 panels and 2 x 5kw batterys = €17k

Ring wholesaler direct and get quote for exact same product list = €9500

Installer is pocketing €7500 for 1.5 days work (max 3 guys working 8 hour days).


and the attic grants? for €200?

Good value to the end customer of a semi detached dwelling, yes.

Is the tax payer getting value for laying 200mm of additional earthwool over approx 60m2 at €1500?

Great to get confirmation his statement was wrong

Magnificent anti green rant

Great post :clap:


well done all

RTÉ News on X: “The Deposit Return scheme has resulted in a significant reduction in the number of cans and bottles thrown onto streets and an overall improvement in litter levels nationwide, according to the latest national litter survey https://t.co/aLCYJ0XJZP” / X