Eamon Ryan to save Limerick


They’re very backward and parochial down in Cork.

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Have they forgotten the floods that destroyed Cork

How could you tell?

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That’s cause he was English


They know the truth is going to come out very soon

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I let the diesel ideal while i empty 4 black bin bags into the Cod machine. Doing my bit for the environment and getting my money back

Pulled out my half empty recycling bin to the gate this morning with orders from Mrs B to load the boot with bottles and cans to be returned. Our big diesel can manage them no bother over the 16km trek to the nearest refund yoke. Win win win :roll_eyes:


Life hack

Dont do a seperate trip, bring to the returns machine when going to the shop anyway

I can see why you voted mulooly and carberry in o
If you struggle with this simple concept


Have you thought about the life hack for the refuse company driving a 26 tonne truck around the countryside collecting half the recycling materials they have done in the past?


And the machine will definitely be working?

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4 of you obviously haven’t…

thats not a life hack


Good to know. I saw one yesterday that wasn’t. I suppose if you drive around enough you’ll eventually find one working.

For fuck sake sake! Only one ‘n’ in Eamon Ryan.

2 not 3

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And you believe Mrs B is going to town on a specific single trip to return recycling.
Empty vessels do make a lot of noise.

I understand now why @farmerinthecity was saying that rural people would never figure out carpooling.

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