Election Betting


Ok mate. I’ll take a perceived gambling problem for betting against something at evens any day over the many, many problems you have.

I disagree with the statement anyway in general terms in the strongest possible way. It is a grossly ignorant and misinformed view that someone who bets a lot on an even money poke could have a gambling problem. But then again being ignorant and misinformed on a topic hasn’t stopped you before from making sweeping statements that you’ll argue till the cows come home on and ruin any amount of threads you like with the boundless amounts of time you have on your hands once you’ve got out of the scratcher. I have no notion to debate this now back and forth with you and ruin another thread so that is my one retort about that point.


Correct the key to betting is finding the wrong price. If you can find a 8/15 shot at evens then you’ll do ok. Looks to me trump is only going you get bigger.

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Up there with the most stupid statements you’ve ever made and, by Christ, is that saying something


Home truths tend to touch a nerve

They certainly did with you

What sort of person is preoccupied with an even money shot on something that’s over 15 months away?

A person with a gambling problem, that’s who

Tis hard to keep up with it all sometimes.


It was free money pal, have a look at the results

Did you seek help immediately?

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Why would I pal, I’m not the one with a gambling problem

You sound like you might have one too :grin:

You said yourself the election is fixed mate. Only a mug wouldn’t be lumping on.

What’s lumping on, pal

Give me a monetary figure there

What’s the cut off point for having a problem?

Come on, pal, don’t be shy, give me a monetary figure for what amounts to “lumping on”


Whatever I had earmarked for food for the month maybe

Sounds like you have a serious gambling problem then :grin:

For former contributor and notorious big boned Limerick man @The_Dunph that would have been the entire dole.


Why must you ruin every thread you get involved in, pal

You did it again

You’ve been utterly destroyed here, saying anyone betting much money on an even money shot has a problem but yet last year you were quoted advising people to lump on an even money shot in a wimmins darts match. You couldn’t make this up.

Get your coat son and don’t let the door hit you on the arse on your way out. You need to up your game considerably, there’s a younger generation like @Copper_pipe and @anon32894817 and they are many steps ahead of stuttering, forgetful, spamming apes like you.

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Don’t engage him smark he isn’t worth the time. Enjoy goodwood.

If I advise people to back on women’s darts results, pal, it’s because I actually know what I’m talking about, and also because those matches were on a matter of hours after I advised as to the tips so were current

Both my tips won easily so it was a total vindication for me

You’re on here asking people about an even money chance on something that’s over 15 months away and which you clearly know sweet fuck all about :grin:

When I correctly called you out as having a gambling problem, you flew into a rage

That is the telltale behaviour of a gambling addict

Seek help, there are plenty of options available for people like yourself, and good luck with your recovery

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