Election Betting

ROD into 2/1 in Boyles.

I availed of the 100/30 in Powers just there :smirk:

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Adrian is a lovely fella, if a bit cracked

If Martin gets FF above 55 seats given where they rightly were put less than 10 years ago its a serious result to be honest.

Yeah thatā€™s fair - its some bounce back after being written off. The initial euphoria might wear off when they realise their the ones whoā€™ll have to cobble together a gov

If heā€™s gets the majority of EoB votes from last time he has a fair shout, although i saw Emmet retweeted M. Collins yesterday. Where the 6000 votes that SF and Soc Dems got the last time go will decide it. Donovan circulated a very personal leaflet to the houses in NCW yesterday.

Edit - I see Boyles reckon Neville is in danger.

Hmmm I thought Emmet was canvassing with Richard :flushed:

I was under that impression aswell!

meath west - 3 seat

  • Joe Cassells nephew is home and hosed
    powers then have Peadar from aonthu at 2/5 - Johnny Guirke shinner at 1/2 and damien english FG at 4/6ā€¦
    will guirke get in there ? - the shinner canvassing team are relentless of late - out all the timeā€¦ if they oust english itll be some victory
    im assuming peadar is home?

I wouldnā€™t write noel french off there for the last seatā€¦

SF seat there is nailed on, I think Toibin will lose narrowly to English.

There are too many Navan TDā€™s, all of them are based in the Navan LEA, and the Trim and Oldcastle areas have been without representation. Cassells and Guirke will be elected first. Damien English is in real danger and with two running mates he will not get 21% like in 2016. Peter Tobin got 24.5% last time, I canā€™t see him getting that this time and at least 3.5K of that was Joe Reillyā€™s vote and will go to Guirke. Iā€™d love to see both of them lose their seats but I canā€™t see it. Malone and Tobin are the only candidates Iā€™m not giving a preference to, and I will fill out the whole ballot paper paper 1 - 10ā€¦

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Celtic are not playing until Sunday so thatā€™s a big boost for Sinn Fein.


Boast? WTF

he comes accross as an awful ould simpleton tho

Galway folk, will Hildegard Naughton get elected at the expense of Sean Kyne(Jonny sexton). Thinking of putting her in an accumulator th9s afternoon. Cc @KinvarasPassion @Lazarus @Dziekanowski @Faldo @Ambrose_McNulty and anyone else? Grmma

Hilda is a shoe in, as is O Cuiv. Anyones guess after that. Toss up between, Kyne(FG), O Tuathail(SD), Connolly(IND), Grealish(IND), Crowe(FF), O Reiley(Green)

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Anything Iā€™ve heard says she is safe

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TĆ  folks. Thatā€™s what I was thinking

He does in fairness, but arenā€™t we all!

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Hildy isnā€™t in my constituency mate but from chatting to a local guru he reckons sheā€™ll get in but itā€™s going to be a battle.