Election Betting

Mary Lou backed @ 4.5 on machine.

Mary Lou backed @ 5/2 and 2/1.

Most seats betting on the machine

FF 8/11
SF Evens

Is there a draw option?

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Ah for fucksake. Just lost a large typed post here.
Bullet points.
-FF/SF +1 is the only game in town really.
SFF green is 5/2. Back it
SFF Soc Dem is not listed on PP for some reason.
SFF may want greens as an easy patsy but the Soc Dems may feel itā€™s time they could make an impression and that their gains might not be kept in a quick turnaround election.
Gonna get a price

Alan Kelly is 6/4 to be next Labour Leader and they have to have a leadership contest in the next few months. Iā€™d be a lont time advocate of both Ged and AodhĆ”n but I think now that itā€™s time for a wartime Don. There needs to be a message got across to the electorate that Labour is not dead and has decent policies if theyā€™d like to take a look. AK47 is the man.

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Great shout on the SF woman in Dublin at evens @Juhniallio. Also to @Copper_pipe for putting up Richard Oā€™Donoghue so often at various prices even as he drifted and also well done to @Julio_Geordio who made a strong case for backing over 18.5 seats or a similar line for SF which was of course smashed.

Just on Limerick, the green fella Leddin was 33/1 at the start of the campaign to get elected, I remember some politics sage from the limerick leader was interviewed live by rte news by the Shannon one night and he actually referenced it that his odds were mad and that heā€™d a right chance.

Your man from SF then running in the county was 14/1 and by god it looked like heā€™d get in for a long time. Iā€™m sure there were many shock odds like the SF girls in Clare and Mayo and SF woman who was in Lanzarote the week before the election. Also Holly Cairns must have been a fair outsider.

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By the sounds of it Iā€™d say she didnā€™t even back herself

AodhƔn was available at 10s up to a fortnight ago. Broughan and Finian really cleared the path for him.

I know. I had advised him on here last year. Just canā€™t see him as leader now.

Point of order @Smark. I put up SF when the line was 17.
I also had a whack of coppinger though ā€¦ And Labour over 6ā€¦

Youā€™re a sick man


Would the head honchos try to stop Kelly again? Would Nash go for it?

What head honchos? Thereā€™s none left. Costello, burton, ryan, penrose, o Sullivan, stagg gone . The party is rejuvenated agewise but is all male. Only 3 of them could possibly go for it. Ged, AoR and AK. AK is not only the most secure seatwise, heā€™s the most confrontational and outspoken and they need that. He needed to be put away when him and Burton were absolutely toxic. Iā€™d imagine Ged will go for it and will have great support. Itā€™s an open vote with all members getting one I believe.

Did nobody try to stop Howlin when he was elected leader? Why was Kelly not allowed to stand for leadership? Labour became an irrelevance with Howlin in charge. Kelly would have kept them in the news at least even if he is marmite

For a good spin of time Id have considered McSharry, McGrath, N Collins, Donnelly, L Chambers and Calleary as having the best shots at taking FF leadership when Martin goes.

Now that he is likely to go, and given the utter capitulation of the FF front bench in the last month I think its fair to say my mind has changed. Oā€™Callaghan and Oā€™Brien are more likely now.

Infact I wouldnt be surprised if we see a dramatic clearout of the FF front bench, not just those who lost seats. Crowe in Clare, Oā€™Connor in Cork and Lawless in Kildare all seem younger and/or more capable.

No. The 7 tds were Howlin Kelly Burton Ryan Penrose o Sullivan and Sherlock. Kelly and Burton were absolutely toxic and had to step aside. AK didnā€™t want to but could find nobody to propose him. Literally nobody. Penrose Ryan and Sherlock had no interest at all in being leader. It was Howlin or Jan and he took it more as a poisoned chalice than anything. He was only ever keeping it warm(many would argue he didnt). Labour needs to make an impression quick on the electorate, particularly if weā€™ve another election coming. We need a loud leader. Ged or AoR could be leader in the future but AKs time is now.

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Was Howlin not toxic as minister for public expenditure? A poison chalice in a FG coalition govt where cutting taxes is often prioritised. This isnā€™t hindsight, I thought Howlin was a bad choice at the time for leader. When he didnā€™t want a challenge for leader was bizarre as well, refusing publicity for a minor party with 7 seats

Yer man Oā€™Sullivan in Cork South West seems about the best of their small new intake. Malcolm Byrne is a big loss for them.

It shouldnā€™t have been him but there was literally nobody else. Sherlock was the only one under 60 and needed to step up but he is only interested in Cork, the weird cark cunt. Howlin took it under duress, delivered a couple of fine ard fheis speeches but sure who the fuck cared? At least now we can have a go.