Election Betting

She’s not sid.

Any FF leader who was anti-choice will bomb with the country, it’s pretty much a disqualifying stance for leading a government now. I think we’ve established that O’Callaghan came around to being pro-choice in time so along with his being in Dublin, which FF absolutely need in their next leader, he’s pretty much their only realistic choice.

O’Callaghan doesn’t have a secure enough seat to be leader. If Kate O’Connell goes again she will probably be favourite to take that seat, particularly if FG are in opposition. I do agree with a Dublin leader though

The constituency O’Callaghan in is not a big enough reason to not make him leader if there is a contest, it would show an incredible lack of confidence in the party if they refuse to select the candidate who is clearly best placed to gain support nationally because there’s a small doubt of him getting re-elected. Micheal Martin himself is not in an easy constituency.

Sometimes these things are fairly simple. You select the best person for the job. Darragh O’Brien is the only other viable Dublin candidate they have who could be leader but I don’t see him going down well nationally at all, or in Dublin even, he’s another Ray Burke type character and comes across as obnoxious. The possible rural candidates are all very weak.

Bizarre outburst


He seems to be a bizarre fellow in general who comes across as extremely angry that he wasn’t born in the 1920s or 1930s when his worldview wouldn’t have marked him out at as a bit of freak.

Not really, I was pointing out that posters continuous biases which irks me that he keeps mentioning them like they are relevant, when the facts show his bias is wrong.

That’s hilarious. You’re one of the most irrationally biased posters on the site, who genuinely thinks that because a handful of rump dinosaurs with views from the 1950s got elected that their views are somehow a majority, when in reality the Irish people have absolutely obliterated these dinosaur views out of state policy. These rump dinosaurs are despised in the country at large. Out of touch doesn’t even begin to describe you, living in a complete fantasy world would be far more accurate.

@Bandage is this one of the backwoodmen you referred to the other week?

@Midshipman_Asha is one of the most daycent on here.


Jim O’Callaghan is a charisma free zone and awkward around actual human beings. A bit like Leo but less good looking and without the sock thing to make him kind of interesting to vapid metrosexual Dubliners. He’d be a poor choice of leader but he might be all they have.


Plus the sister in RTE wouldn’t look good

Who is ‘he’?

Your man that keeps making the same point.

Which poster are you talking about?

You drew that quick

AK47 is up lads…here we go

Wtf! Midshipman Asha isn’t sid are they???

Ff/fg/greens at 7/2 :thinking: