Election Betting

He’ll be a minister before this is out. You’re some campaign manager

I’m a great young lad :raising_hand_man:t2:

We’ll never know.

Something low key like Finance Minister will be acceptable to us initially.

I think Denis Naughten for Ceann Comhairle is a snip at 11/8. The incumbent O’Fearaíghle FF is a miserly 8/15. The old firm can muster 73 between them so you’d imagine those howling for change could unite behind Naughten.
That said the slippery fucker is spawned from the FG pond. How will they vote???

Naughten at the price for me.

That O’Fearghail must be lazy out if he’s going for a second spin on the Ceann Comhairle gravy train…

I think the story is that SF will vote for O’Fearghail to even up the voting deputy number between them and FF.

from his letter seeking nomination

I am writing to inform you that I have submitted my nomination to seek the role of Ceann Comhairle of the 33rd DĂĄil.

The reason I am putting my name forward for the role of Ceann Comhairle is because one of the consistent messages I received on the doorsteps during the recent General Election was the public frustration with accountability .

In an open, questioning culture, we need an effective and questioning parliament .

Getting straight answers to straight questions is becoming more difficult in Dáil Éireann. This is reflected by that public frustration.

this from the lad who was having dinners with the broadband guys and failed on numerous occasions to say how many or what was discussed, why they happened and why there were no civil servants there.

if he gets the gig then it’ll add another 10 seats to the shinners next time out

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The only people who won’t vote for O’Fearaíghle are FF apparently

Well that punt backfired spectacularly. O’Fearaíghle wins by 130 to 28. The appetite for the buzzword, change, hasn’t reached the ravenous level yet.
It looks like FF, FG, SF, Greens and SocDems have decided retain the status quo and take no chances.
Change how are you.

The alternative was Naughten. He’s hardly a poster boy for change either

Not exactly, no. In an afterthought there wasn’t a lot of options given the figures.
That said, a rotating CC amongst the Roooral alliances would have thrown up an odd giggle.
I’m just envisaging DHR in the ceremonial robes with porter and gravy stains…

SO’F is well got by most sides tbh.

@Smark @Dziekanowski @anon7035031 do you think Coumo can win the democratic ticket? There’s a fair move for him on social media. Still 20s. Hardly a good few weeks for sleepy joe Biden.

He isn’t running. The only way he could get the nomination is if Bernie stays in and there is a contested convention, and Cuomo put forward as a compromise candidate. Anything could happen obviously, especially in this environment, but I would see it as unlikely.

Ya I was merely thinking of greening up on it. I think trump is weak now so it could happen.

You’d want more than 20’s anyway. It’s probably a 100/1 shot. But anything could happen now. The three lads running should be cocooning for the next few months

He’s 14s and 10s in a lot of places.

Unless Biden dies before November he will almost definitely be the next US president. He’s very popular in states that are needed to win, like PA. It would be an enormous risk to change candidate, you run the risk of pissing off Biden supporters. There’s an outside chance Biden might choose him as his running mate, even though he said he would probably pick a woman. He could say he picked him due to Cuomo’s response to the crisis.

The one thing that could upend Biden is the allegation of sexual assault against him. People can laugh at this citing trump’s record, but the issue is a tough one for progressive Democrats, given that the standard has already been set that every woman who makes an allegation must be believed.

I threw a very speculative few euros on him at 50-1. I think the wheels are falling off Bidens bid. He has been here before and failed and I think Democrats are getting nervous about him and his ability to turn over Trump. At this stage they will settle for literally anyone who can take down Trump. That much is clear from the impeachment proceedings.