Election Betting

I’d fancy the New Yorker to take him down with strong Irish and Italian connections.


Also he stated that men who are accused of this should be assumed guilty until proven innocent. Quite a remarkable own goal.

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Cuomo would be the nominee if he had run.

It’s a pretty serious allegation, compared to what Brett Kavanaugh was accused of for example. The silence from progressive Democrats on this is deafening.

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This will get quite an airing when things return to some semblance of normality.

His remarks about having a female vice president was reactionary and on the foot of these allegations.

Pretty sure coumo bait the shit of one of his wives.

He has family connections to the media. I think his brother is with CNN as well. Always handy when trying to publicise the good things and minimise the bad.

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Do you have a source for that by any chance?

Also Trump has hardly referred to Biden in recent times. He has launched scathing attacks on Cuomo which makes you think he has him is in his cross hairs.

Nope I do not only a girl I’m very close with told he’s a very chequered past which included assaulting one of his ex wife’s.

Biden is done. Sleepy Joe caught on. I couldn’t fancy v trump.

Sounds very credible.

Tell that girl if she has proof of that it could be worth a few dollars. Surely 6 figures at least

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That’s a bit ridiculous honestly, just wrong

Or 6 bullets. You don’t fuck with the Cuomos

Eh it’s well speculated on twitter and that sort of thing.

Ffs sake

You have to take all this sort of stuff into account when looking at Americans politics. Any one of these stories can be floated to destroy somebodies campaign.

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