Election Betting

Leo the lion has been eerily quite in twitter tonight, no put on the green jerseys tweets. Next GE to be in 2020 is 10/1 on PP.


If he thought he could call an election without it looking like he was putting the country’s health at risk by doing so, he definitely would


Me hole will use it as an excuse to cling to power et la New Zealand.

Quote reported from Varadkar at y’days cabinet "“If we keep doing business like this, we won’t be doing business for very long”

It’s clear that the coalition is already on the rocks. Yesterday’s announcement was a complete clusterfuck and follows a series of own-goals since the start.

FF wanted the big high-profile covid jobs (taoiseach, health, education) but they’re in trouble in all 3 and the communications have been appalling. Varadkar is clearly seething with FF’s handling of it but his inside/outside act doesn’t help either. The Greens are a house divided and still all over the shop too. Authority is steadily leaking away.

Hard to know whether an election would resolve anything though, even if it could go ahead. Most likely result is FG and SF as the biggest parties but without a natural path for either to lead a gov without FF. Maybe if FF ditched Martin they could go in as junior partner to SF.

All in all - not a great place to be in facing one of the biggest crises in our countrys history.


Bumpety bump

Still 10/1 for another election in 2020

Come back to me tomorrow evening.

I threw a renner on it the other day. Happy days hopefully

Updated odds as of 07:45am this Thursday morning

2020 3/1
2021 3/1
2024 3/1
2025 7/2
2022 7/1
2023 10/1

We have the value but we can’t eat that.

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I’m considering laying trump in both markets

Whatever about the republican nomination, he looks an even safer lay for the presidential race at just over 3/1. Even if he gets to face off against a democrat, any of them should beat him. But it’s a long way away and 18 months is a long time to wait to get paid out on laying 3/1 bets, even if in theory I agree.

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The expert betters are out again, Jaysus they’d bet on anything

Could you lay Biden? Surely there’s no way he’ll actually go for another term.

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He has to run. If he doesn’t Harris would run, she’s not a strong candidate but if dropped from ticket the black and female vote needed won’t materialise

They don’t want him to run but don’t have much option*

*This is all according to a lad who seems to like politics that I met in DC.

He also reckoned Trump will win rep nomination

Christ, a Biden v Trump campaign would be even more depressing than the last one.

The greatest country on earth (as long your children aren’t getting shot at school).


Both an age that in any other job you’d be way too old to even be considered

Except President of Ireland