Election Betting

Surely some Democrat worth a punt from back the field. Sleepy Joe canā€™t be the man for the job

The thinking is heā€™ll run. And if he was up against say DeSanctis instead of Trump heā€™d probably lose. But at Bidens age a lot can go wrong in 12+ months. Heā€™s having a good time of things at the moment but the wind can change fast.

Paul Ryan will re-enter politics when Trump bows out and win in 2028


Ah lads

Sleepy Joe will win pulling up

Iā€™d be surprised if these donā€™t keep flopping.

Thats if sleepyjoe makes it. Big mike will br running for the dems

Aodhan O Riordan is 9/4 lads. He should be evens. Heā€™ll be scrapping like a motherfucker for the last seat and is very transfer friendly.
I think Clare daly will struggle and wouldnt be surprised if Lynn Boylan was squeezed out too. Either way, AOR will be in a 3 way fight for that last seat probably with a boylan or 2, Cuff and Daly.

Iā€™d go Cuffe instead for the same price. Greens will do well on transfers in Dublin

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Cuffe 13/8
Aodhan (/4

Maybe a ducthing oportunity

how is Niall Boylan 1/4?

Heā€™s the only proper independent in Dublin. Heā€™ll hoover up any protest votes.

independent = awkward squad

so will there be enough transfers from the far right to get him over the line

Heā€™s ating the hard left vote.

The hard left are the far right in Ireland.

If he wins a seat is he guaranteed to fuck off to Europe and not contest a GE?


supporting saville & getting elected wasnt what i expected

The awkward squad are the ones who voted FOR the recent referendums mate.

But yeah, he has the right-leaning vote to himself Iā€™d say. Should be more than enough there with transfers.

The 4 in Dublin look nailed on as per the bookies but I have a sneaking suspicion SF could lose out. Cuffe would be my pick for the outsiders

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Boylan is running for Independent Ireland which is a political party.

So he isnā€™t independent.

And heā€™s definitely not independent of the Russia aligned far right in Europe.


Thatā€™s true, my bad. But I think heā€™ll be seen as an independent in the eyes of voters.

Donā€™t disagree with anything else youā€™ve said but I think heā€™ll be elected comfortably

Itā€™s some scam calling yourself independent while being part of a political party :laughing:

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