Election Betting

Iā€™d concur with that. Heā€™s a personable guy. I believe I met him 3 times over the campaign, Broughan was extremely low key. I think heā€™ll get in.

What was the total amount of seats won by ā€œothersā€ for a finish?

(Think others is everyone other than FG, FF, Labour, SF and The Greens)

Now the minister for sport, what have we created here?
As far as I know he has no sporting pedigree or interest.

Payback for getting two seats


Hedduh Humfries and de Arts pal.

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At least sports projects in Limerick will get disproportionate funding. Nowā€™s the time to start building vanity projects.

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Lib Dems to win Witney at 9/1.
I think thatā€™s good value for following reasons:

  • Witney voted remain in June
  • Tory candidate was in favour of leaving
  • Lib Dems doing extremely well in recent council elections (not reflected in national opinion polls admittedly)
  • Former Tory voters more likely to go Lib Dem then Labour
  • Tories record of winning by elections when in government is abysmal. One win since 1989.

Work away. You are deluded

No, not bad value at 9/1 as they are the only party running on a remain platform, which is a powerful one.

Surely Labour are remain too?

Not actively campaigning on it. Too busy eating themselves.

Cameron had a majority of 25,000 in the last election and the Lib Dems finished fourth.

Manchester G. Lib dems at 8/1. 61ā„… remain. Lib Dems strong locally. Labour in chaos and losing remain voters. LD excellent value.


@RaymondCrotty have you any long shot fancies at this juncture to be the Democrats candidate to take on Trump for president as he goes for a second term? Whoever they pick that isnā€™t toxic will surely win, so must be some great value if one could snuff out their candidate now. Their most fancied prospect is around 10/1.

Aodhan O Riordan is superb value at 14s to be the next labour leader. Thereā€™s lads who dont have ahope of it like Penrose, Burton, Ryan ahead of him. After the next election it could come down to a straight fight between him and Alan Kelly, (presuming both get electedā€¦a big presumption I knowā€¦) And Alan is marmite for much of the party.

Trump will walk the next election


Half of the yanks will vote for him just to sicken @Sidney

Whose offering this market?

Trump would probably beat Sanders anyway. Heā€™d probably Warren because sheā€™s a woman. Not toxic in the Hillary sense and very good value @ 14/1, but white male America will instantly resent having to take her seriously. Good value but canā€™t you canā€™t eat value. Cory Booker has a chance but he never comes across as likeable and lacks a little bit of charisma for me. Slightly fake character. 33/1 would be good value if he ran but he hasnā€™t announced that yet. Biden @ 16/1 would beat him but very unlikely to make the ticket. THe democratic front-runner is a black-Tamil mixed-race woman from California called Kamala Harris. I only started researching her about a5 minutes ago. Not a long political history, like Obama, unlike Clinton ,which is an advantage.She seems fairly sound, sheā€™s reasonably MILFy, gives a decent air or competence, strongly and consistently liberal, doesnā€™t seem to me a cunt but the same people who hated Obama will hate her for the exact same reasons and I just donā€™t see those retards electing a woman. Sheā€™s 10/1. I can sort of see the logic behind that because it looks like sheā€™ll run (not guaranteed for any democrat currently) and a lot of the old Obamaā€™s supporters could get behind her in a way they didnā€™t get behind Hillary.

People mostly just vote with their wallets and donā€™t give a fuck about anything else. Trump is 13/8 (I think) which is absolutely outrageous value because a) heā€™s definitely in the final 2 and b) heā€™s probably going to win (like definitely better than 50% currently). The smart money is going on Trump right now.

I would say a decent bet would be a spread of a few hindered euro with 50% on Trump and the rest divided equally between Harris, Booker, Warren and maybe Sanders. Just donā€™t see joe Biden winning that ticket.

Overall youā€™re probably right that now is the time to act, I might put that spread on myself at the end of the weekend, thanks for flagging it.

Pp. Odds are heavily skewed by the fact that heā€™s not a sitting td. Thereā€™s no appetite for a change within the party at present.

The reason for that is that if labour vote in that virtue signalling gimp theyā€™ll end up lower than renua in the polls.

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