Elon Musk

The world would be infinitely better if more people did ketamime and/or MDMA.

:joy::joy::joy::joy: Says the man on the dole

The world would certainly be better off if Elon Musk didn’t exist.

In fact if there were to be just one single change in humanity that would be guaranteed to make the world a better place, it would be if Elon Musk didn’t exist.

You all know I’m correct about this, which annoys you immensely.

Free speech!


I think you think people are annoyed by you making statements like that, when in reality they feel sorry and embarrassed for you. You’re taking this all way too serious. Musk isn’t the worst of the bunch by a long way.


I feel sorry and embarrassed for you that you see fit to comment while being ignorant about the very stupid yet very serious topic you’re commenting on.

If there’s one thing Elon Musk has achieved, it’s to get those who like to baselessly accuse other people of being paedophiles to voluntarily out themselves. They’re called his followers.

You’ve taken the adage “the Internet is a serious business” seriously. It’s not that deep, Twitter is a shithole. If you can’t stand the heat of it, get out of the kitchen. Same with any other website. You’d never cope if you spent an hour on the dark web and see some of the shite that goes on there.

Believe me mate I’m well able to navigate the internet. I’m merely pointing out reality. Unfortunately the internet is a very serious business for the world and the world demonstrably ain’t able for it as it is and that is the situation Elon Musk and his cretinous followers are pouring vast amounts of petrol on by the day.

The banks that loaned him a hape of money to buy twitter must be thriled at his carry on.


Twitter is largely people adopting characters and alter egos, that’s whether they’re anonymous or publicly named. Reality is not as extreme. You can’t take a place like Twitter seriously. Same with forums like this.

Unfortunately reality has comprehensively shown us it is much more extreme.

You’re like one of those lads trapped in Plato’s cave.


Wake up, mate, it isn’t 2013 anymore.

I used to work with a lovely woman with the same name many moons ago. I hope to god thats not her.

Christ, would you ever give it a break,

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It’s very funny ignoring that Nazi loser shrieking into the ether.

Looks like twitter isn’t actually going that well as a business under Musk.

Musk said that a recent exodus of big brands — which included IBM, Apple, Walt Disney, Comcast and Warner Bros — was “going to kill the company, and the whole world will know the advertisers killed the company”.

Soon after, two reports from left-leaning non-profit group Media Matters for America last week found advertisements for top brands next to posts touting pro-Nazi and white nationalist content. X later sued Media Matters, arguing that it was deliberately leading a “smear campaign” against the platform.

Quite ironic that bit. Absolute free speech but if you point out true things about my company I will sue you.

The arch-capitalists now sincerely believe basic capitalism is cancel culture.


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Musk is basically another Gemma O’Doherty except O’Doherty didn’t inherit a vast fortune due to apartheid.

