Elon Musk

The banks that loaned him a hape of money to buy twitter must be thriled at his carry on.


Twitter is largely people adopting characters and alter egos, that’s whether they’re anonymous or publicly named. Reality is not as extreme. You can’t take a place like Twitter seriously. Same with forums like this.

Unfortunately reality has comprehensively shown us it is much more extreme.

You’re like one of those lads trapped in Plato’s cave.


Wake up, mate, it isn’t 2013 anymore.

I used to work with a lovely woman with the same name many moons ago. I hope to god thats not her.

Christ, would you ever give it a break,

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It’s very funny ignoring that Nazi loser shrieking into the ether.

Looks like twitter isn’t actually going that well as a business under Musk.

Musk said that a recent exodus of big brands — which included IBM, Apple, Walt Disney, Comcast and Warner Bros — was “going to kill the company, and the whole world will know the advertisers killed the company”.

Soon after, two reports from left-leaning non-profit group Media Matters for America last week found advertisements for top brands next to posts touting pro-Nazi and white nationalist content. X later sued Media Matters, arguing that it was deliberately leading a “smear campaign” against the platform.

Quite ironic that bit. Absolute free speech but if you point out true things about my company I will sue you.

The arch-capitalists now sincerely believe basic capitalism is cancel culture.


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Musk is basically another Gemma O’Doherty except O’Doherty didn’t inherit a vast fortune due to apartheid.



No idea mate. No pics of her that i can see. I’d imagine a load of loons set up accounts with super irish names too for maximum effect so fair chance it’s not.

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Elon didn’t buy X to make money, he bought it to save humanity


He doesn’t seem to be making a very good fist of it.


The fanboys are hilarious :rofl:

If you think the Musk fanboys are bad you should see the ryan tubridy ones

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Galileo Galilei was chastised in his time by the Catholic church. A visionary genius by those in the dark ages. Elon is the same now

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Musk is like The Fyre Festival in human form.

I give him about six months before he’s going around wearing empty Kleenex boxes as shoes.