Elon Musk

Says a man still living at home with his mother :joy:

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Musk is 500 years ahead of his time

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Hopefully he can figure out a way to transport himself 500 years into the future fairly soon and we can survive away without him

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In fairness, any EV will do that, even cheap Chinese ones. EVs have insane amount of Torque.

I’d like to see that cyber truck go up against a Ram 3500 hauling 1000 square bales half way across Texas. Yeah, nnot going to happen.

Rockets that land on a plateform to reuse. Roof tile solar panels. Electric cars. We’re in a climate crisis.

I wouldnt be surprised if he was actually an alien sent to save us


The lefite scum conveniently forget he single handily keep the Internet on in Ukraine aswell, at his personal cost

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He calls them out on their bullshit and they know it.

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Makes Homer Simpson look like a genius by comparison.


Musk has now decided that anybody he doesn’t like is fair game to be banned.

That’s very snowflake behaviour


The far right are the embodiment of everything they claim to be against.

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Ireland has launched its first satellite. A great day for our little island. Wouldnt have been possible without the great Elon and space X


We’re very lucky to have him. These lefty headbangers hate seeing their lies and the consequences of the horrendous ideas they propagate being exposed.

Two great modern men here



Ciaran Cannon is not a member of People Before Profit, he is a Fine Gael TD and a former leader of the PDs. He is correct here.

Musk and his fanbois are pond scum.

Mr Cannon said the billionaire “personally served to stoke up hatred and conflict in recent times here in Ireland and he should be deeply ashamed of those actions”.


Uh oh, looks like the ai friend he invented for himself may not be all he dreamed it would be.

That last bit :laughing:


Did he actually, or did he just make it up?