Epsteins 'suicide'

In fairness here, I think Glenshane was objecting to Sid calling CodeGreen a paedophile just because he said Jones was right about Epstein.

I was nearly about to make a post along the lines of “would it be too much to ask that we don’t call each other paedophiles” but of course there’s no chance of that so I shut up.


Gas cunts


You have that all arseways

Who’s defending him? I just pointed out that he came out with the epstein story years ago. Sid says he sent child porn to the parents of the sandy hook victims. I don’t think that’s the nature of an allegation that looks credible enough without having to dress it up. But he’s set reason to the side so so should everyone else I suppose…

@glenshane seems to object to a lot of imaginary things

Or maybe it’s yourself who’s imagining it

Perhaps you lads could clarify

Bill Clinton is the most dangerous man in America


He brought peace to Ireland, a hero

he’s worse than Jimmy Saville

Who’s Jimmy Saville, mate?

Yeah, “lawyer”

@Sidney we see through the bs act. You slipped up in the missing person’s thread and the paddy Jackson Court case. We got to see what is making you tick. Feeding your sexual fantasys online with a group of strangers. I dunno if there is a term of it yet but Il just call you a dirty rotten cunt for the time being.

Autopsy in, death ruled a suicide.


Letter from Epstein’s lawyers

the dirty little bastard, expect a few more suicides as Lizzie cleans house to cover for this creep

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What a surprise


Thats a shame. Oh well. We move on.