Epsteins 'suicide'


I believe her

Me too

I haven’t read the article but I definitely believe her.

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She said Limerick is fine but Prince Andrew needs rehab

I believe her.

Be some craic if the yanks tried to extradite Andrew. The Brits would be tied in knots

He could be a part of a desperate post-brexit trade deal

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Things have a habit of blowing up for British royals on August 27th in years ending in 9


And nonces too.

He’s a creep and a weirdo. He’d make your skin crawl. If my lass turned up with someone looking like him I’d get the shotgun out.
There is something viscerally repulsive about him.

Chubby fingers? You know what they say that’s a sign of?

Interesting that the stories clearing Andy appear in the Tory press the day after Mammy does their bidding.


The Royal family is full of nonces.

Can’t play sax professionally?
Wait, that’s stubbiness.

If the gloves don’t fit, you must acquit :joy:

who to believe, the daily heil or the torygraph?

I think Dershowitz came up with that line

I think Andy was more interested in children who could play sex professionally