Epsteins 'suicide'

Sid-BOT should be back out soon


No doubt the security cameras were down for a while also.Im blaming Mossad here.

I hear Epstein had links to the Saudis who of course bumped off Khashoggi

I’m going with Ockham’s Razor and that’s that the most likely suspects and crucially, those with control of where it happened, were behind it - and that’s Barr, at the prompting of Trump

Barr is a highly corrupt, ruthless and very dangerous man

He is Trump’s terminator

Not your beloved Clintons?

Was the same henchmen used that Denis O’Brien employed to tackle Gemma O’Doherty?

So is this a murder or suicide?


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I’m pretty sure a packet of crisps didn’t do it pal

Alex jones called this epstein carry on years ago. If only people hadn’t dismissed him as a conspiracy theorist.

Quelle surprise, it turned out you and @anon7035031 were the forum’s premier ludicrous conspiracy nuts

The aliens talk was a bit of a giveaway, now you’re buying into the Sandy Hook was a false flag conspiracy bullshit

Projection is a terrible thing

Jones is the only man thinking outside the box. I’d say he was touching on serious shit and got a massive pay off to let it slide.

He was talking about the lolita express years ago. What does the poor man have to do

Youtube silenced him was it last year after him suggesting the mass shooting at the school didn’t happen, but he was saying it didn’t happen the way they said it. I dunno I pick and choose what I’m willing to run with from him, but people should be free to question everything now, the bullshitters need to be called out.

Jones is utter scum

He sent child porn to the families of the Sandy Hook victims

Paedo alert

Not quite you mad eejit. You’re nearly as bad as he is

Hard to believe that anybody who has had the privilege to grow up in a European democracy would defend this Jones cunt.

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