Epsteins 'suicide'

The Queens brother and Queens son both paedophiles. Who would have thought that? They probably had plenty of encounters together back in Andy’s formative years.
The new Biography of Louis doesn’t shy away from his paedophile past with several accounts from FBI to your ordinary Joe Soap. No wonder the Queen thanked Martin McGuinness for blowing up Shadow V.

The Queen is some ruthless bitch. A fucking warrior, a survivor.

She’s a wonderful villain.


i think he means her second cousin, once removed.

And she married his nephew!

the royals are more inbred than a tipp wedding

Charles’s first romantic interest was Mountbatten’s granddaughter.

As Mountbatten was Philip’s uncle, that would make them first cousins.

No dilution of the blue blood being the main aim.

camilla or your cousin, what rotten choices!

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Oh dear

Andy was scoring away from home in Fergie time

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Allegedly what mate?

Spare heirs are a nuisance turning to a problem. Once the main succession line is in place the rest could be exiled to a remote island for reality TV.


Allegedly, he had sex with underage girls procured by Epstein. He’s denying it and it hasn’t been proven, yet. So yeah, allegedly.

Well I think I can speak for the board in saying I know what I think.
He his skin crawlingly creepy in any case.

I’d convict based on his expression in this photo alone

A white Fiat Uno awaits Andrew

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Avoid Paris :laughing:

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Behind Barrs
Called to the Barr
Hanging at the Barr
Barring order


Jeffrey Epstein’s injuries look more like murder than suicide, noted pathologist says

Let it go ffs